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Guest dontcaretoomuchforcrap

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Agreed...tired of hearing "holla at your boy" and especially "bling bling"...

time to bring back some terms from the past...I long for the days when people used to call someone a "sellout"

“Isn’t it strange how it’s a fad to bite your idols when the whole reason you liked them is because their shit wasn’t recycled?†- Aesop Rock

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but have you ever told somebody "sellout get the hell out" ? If so, I give you mad props b/c your style is def

“Isn’t it strange how it’s a fad to bite your idols when the whole reason you liked them is because their shit wasn’t recycled?†- Aesop Rock

Edited by Dave Russ on Feb 8, 2005 at 03:55 PM

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I still say rad but that's just for fun.

I've never said "Sell out get the hell out," but I might try it some time.

I hate "tight," "Off the hook," and anything that sounds like it was coined by a kindergartner (fo shizzle, etc). Also can't stand it when people call me "bro." "Man" is so much better. In reality though, I don't even think twice about this stuff, cause I don't really care.

I say "sick," "rad" and I've adapted to "hella" so much that it's in practically every sentence I say.

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I'm a little clueless to the "roo, roo, roo" thing as well...my best guess is the chant crowds would break out in instead of clapping...word up

“Isn’t it strange how it’s a fad to bite your idols when the whole reason you liked them is because their shit wasn’t recycled?†- Aesop Rock

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