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My Roommate Sucks


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Thank god I'm moving out in three days. But alas, that doesn't make me forget the last year of living with this guy. We were fairly good friends before moving in together. If you ask him, he'd probably say I was still his best friend. My roommate is very socially awkward and smokes weed a lot, he never cleans, and I think he looks to me for a lot of guidance in life (what to listen to, what to wear, etc.).

Most of what makes me angry is that it has to be obvious I do not enjoy his company. Sometimes I'm just an asshole to him. Regardless, he still sits in the living room for hours and hours, sometimes playing a song loudly over and over. It just seems selfish, unless he's expecting me to come "hang out" with him which is exactly the samething every time: we smoke, we play FIFA, he eats something, and he bitches about his job at a coffee shop.

Living with him has been grating, mostly because he never leaves the apartment (except to go to work) and because he never seems to talk about anything besides his shitty job. Sometimes he'll talk for a solid 15 minutes without any feedback from me (verbal or otherwise). I realize he is probably lonely, but I've come to resent him for his lack of cleaning and paying bills. I don't think he realizes that after I move out, it'll be a while before I feel the need to talk/hang out with him again (if ever).

This post probably doesn't make much sense but I need to get some of that shit off my chest.

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I had a roomate that stole $35 out of my wallet while I slept and used it to take a cab from brooklyn to harlem at 4:30 in the morning to buy coke. Also, his hand was broken so he couldn't wash dishes (cast) and he was unemployed at the time.

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my roommate has punched me in the head, cockblocks me, and screams at me everytime she gets drunk. not to mentions she owes me the last two months rent. AND i'm living with her next year :(

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