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Stutterheim Raincoats


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Hi guys,

just wanted to make you guys aware of a new Swedish brand that have gotten a lot of good press lately in Sweden - Stutterheim Raincoats. They are handmade in sweden, hand numbered and signed by person who made it, made in a small scale and are very minimalistic in design.

They just got a post on Selectism: http://www.selectism.com/news/2010/09/15/stutterheim-raincoats/

I been having my eyes on them, and feelt apealing to the closeness they have to their customers trough facebook, and that they trying to make clothes that are not outsourced. I ordered mine today, the guys behind the brand offered me to pick up my coat at the factory if i wanted, cause i live close, but i went and got it online. Still though, nice service.

And no, i don´t work for them, but I´m interested to see what people here thin of it.




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