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Not to get off topic, but when I was in Japan last week it really fucking pissed me off to see such a clean/graff-free country with the only tags being by all the so-called "artists" that "streetwear" kids look up to these days.....why the fuck would you bomb "Neckface" on a bridge in someone elses country when clearly they make such an effort to keep it clean? I have no problem with you fucking up the shitholes that are downtown LA and NY, but for god's sake, leave your shitty art in your own country.......graffiti is so fucking overrated.

Edited by englandmj7 on Mar 31, 2006 at 11:08 AM

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Not to get off topic, but when I was in Japan last week it really fucking pissed me off to see such a clean/graff-free country with the only tags being by all the so-called "artists" that "streetwear" kids look up to these days.....why the fuck would you bomb "Neckface" on a bridge in someone elses country when clearly they make such an effort to keep it clean? I have no problem with you fucking up the shitholes that are downtown LA and NY, but for god's sake, leave your shitty art in your own country.......graffiti is so fucking overrated.

Edited by englandmj7 on Mar 31, 2006 at 11:08 AM

--- Original message by englandmj7 on Mar 31, 2006 11:06 AM

Damn You're one bitter putz
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^^ Don't get me wrong, some of those dudes do AMAZING shit with spray paint, I don't deny that there are many great artists who are graff artists, I just hate when they ruin a brand new building, etc. it's just stupid....

Quote: Damn You're one bitter putz

Pissed because no one thought your NDG comment was funny? Go fuck yourself you bleeding

Canadian cunt......you do not have one post with any relevant content, do you have anything to say other than half-witted insults?

Edited by englandmj7 on Mar 31, 2006 at 11:25 AM

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Quote: What about this then?


Hah hah ha, what the hell...

Quote: But actually I much enjoy my meaningless posts with half witted insults then your bitter ramblings from a life not turned out how one had hoped.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy receiving witty and intelligent insults, but your's my man are nothing of the sort....and regarding my life, heh heh, I am only 21; while you are training to be a Mountie, I am training to be a talent agent in L.A......not sure why your particular form of insults most commonly consist of you telling people how you think their lives suck, personal projection? Lack of creative alternatives? All I know is I get to surf the internet by day and get paid a shitload for it, whilst at night I get comped free dinners with clients that you frequently masturbate to photos of on the internet......so fuck off sweetheart.....

Edited by englandmj7 on Mar 31, 2006 at 12:21 PM

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Quote: I am training to be a talent agent in L.A

translation: i read defamer

Quote: All I know is I get to surf the internet by day and get paid a shitload for it, whilst at night I get comped free dinners with clients that you frequently masturbate to photos of on the internet

translation: i line-up phonecalls for my boss at the agency

keep reaching for your agent card, wayward son!

p.s: mounties > agents

Edited by artificialsky on Mar 31, 2006 at 04:33 PM

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translation: i line-up phonecalls for my boss at the agency

keep reaching for your agent card, wayward son!

p.s: mounties > agents

Heh heh, well at least you know a little bit about the biz. That certainly is how most people start. Fortunately, I already had a couple years of agency experience (and already had to be an agent's little bitch, as does everyone who wants to be an agent), this, I am currently handling two medium-sized clients and am training so that within a year I will hopefully have the full account. Not to mention I work on the business development side of the agency, where there is no fame to be had, nor is it involved. Nice try though.....ass

P.S. Your mother swallows horse cock

Edited by englandmj7 on Mar 31, 2006 at 05:04 PM

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A lot of people on this board wear what they do for what it looks like, not for what it represents. People who can buy "streetwear" usually aren't from the street in the first place and people that buy sports jerseys usually aren't good at the sport they idolize so much.

To call one person out means calling a whole society out.

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