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Posts posted by Dr_Heech

  1. 7 hours ago, Double 0 Soul said:

    I find aswell that the lightweight (often cheaper) sunglasses stay on your face better.. the heavier, often better quality, more substantial ect.. tend to slide down your face with gravity in the hot sweaty weather and you're forever repositioning them.

    ^Good point imho. I found this with both my old Wayfarers and Wayfarer 2's (both btw purchased in China town, NYC in 1984 for about 20 quid a pair ) - and as Neal points out, my cheapo sunnies l wear now (which are just freebie safety sunnies via work) - stay on my face better and are more comfortable to wear all day no matter how hot it gets.

    And if they break or get lost then it's no big deal  :)


  2. 9 hours ago, JohnM said:

    ^ if you want really natural Tilmann, with a lot of small mistakes, I can sew you a pair of jeans ;-)

    Great idea John, but be careful, the boys at CSF will be on your case :laugh:


  3.  I am lucky in that l have enough repro-based denim jeans and jackets that l continue to enjoy wearing (with emphasis on the joy-wearing).

    Sad as it may sound, l'm just happy l have a nice selection of worn-in Levis repros which fit me well and l can wear doing whatever l like as the only real value in them is joy at the end of the day, apart from stuff that no longer fits. The other aspect of our culture l still get a buzz from is viewing old vintage denim clothing and sometimes sharing/chatting about it.

    The Nice things thread may well one day be  The forum where we all go with everything to show and talk about - denim, tennis rackets And philosophy. 




  4. 1 minute ago, Double 0 Soul said:

    On the flip.. De La Soul once said “sometimes the body needs to feel stressed to appreciate the joy”

    Maybe I need to wear highstreet Levi’s to appreciate what I’m missing?

    No, you need to wear Tesco mens jeans with 'stretch' for a while, that'll either bring you round to your senses or draw you into middle age :laugh:

    Hey at least it'll get you off of the 'denim plateau' stage.

    Failing that there's always bike or tennis forums ;)


  5. 1 hour ago, scooby said:

    Sorry but I have a good excuse... there was no way I could commit to these if I couldn't wear my @Duke Mantee belt


    Am going to try my best and wear these a good chunk of the year

    What model are these Scoobs? They look 1920's?

    I wear my 1922's with my Duke belt - l specifically chose a lighter/thinner leather to be more comfortable when worn over the brace buttons. It's perfect!


  6. 11 hours ago, Maynard Friedman said:

    Charlie, sorry to hear about your sister, that’s so sad :(

    It is mate and l'm still grieving. Such a shocker as she was so healthy. On the more positive side, the heart attack was quick/instant and she didn't suffer at all. Thanks for the kind words, will just take time to heal.

  7. 3 hours ago, Maynard Friedman said:

    ATWM, sorry to hear that and like everyone else, I hope your boy pulls through with flying colours.

    Neal, I hope Sarah is OK and on the road to beating this thing too.

    Hopefully 2023 will be a happier new year.

    What a year! Really sorry to hear about your boy too @AlientoyWorkmachine - and your Mrs @Double 0 Soul. What with this and Ooms'heart op.... plus l lost my sister who was only 51 to a sudden heart attack at the end of November, l am hoping for some positive signs from the man upstairs, Come on please.



  8. 2 hours ago, beautiful_FrEaK said:

    New Year's Denim Resolution 2023 anyone?!

    Originally, I had planned to just buy the Denime Big E model when it's released (funny, I know). But I got some information about a special release and I will probably get that one as well if it is different enough.

    At least things are still peaking your interest, Denime-wise at least :)

    For me, l'm a bit like some on here where l have pretty much all l need. What l do need though is to wear it more and think about it less, which is what l'm doing. Like Maynard l have a few bits l'd like to part with but as nothing much is shifting atm for various reasons, I'll just hang on to it for now.

    In the last 2 years l've only purchased 2 pieces, my WH 20's tux to be exact, and all l have my sights on now in the future is possibly another shirt and a couple of sweats (single V preferably) where the neck is not as tight as my old Cushman's.


  9. Wonderful evo on that @Double 0 Soul

    Gonna have to start calling you Demolition man the way you go through denim garments :D

    I'm just jealous, my more sedentary lifestyle these past few years means l have to live life more vicariously here. Probably take me a decade to match those fades. I think you, Scooby and Shredders take the top 3 prizes for epic fades atm.


  10. 4 hours ago, julian-wolf said:

    I can def. understand preferring blank back pockets, but I don’t get this mentality at all. If ugly decorative pocket stitching is all that’s stopping you from buying a cool pair of jeans, why not just buy them and remove the decorative stitching?

    Because it's not the only thing. And why would l want to spend a load of cash on something that l have to alter to enjoy when there are brands already out there for me to choose from?

  11. On 12/15/2022 at 12:38 PM, beautiful_FrEaK said:

    You certainly do and I had you in mind :D It wasn't meant as a judgement or so.

    Yes you are judging me :laugh: my friend, but it's cool, l put it out there so l'm there to be judged. I'm not trying to relive old days or make a statement. l've always been like this (well since l was about 19) and l'm not about to change anytime soon; Not sure if it's me being narrow minded or bloody-minded. But its old Levis arcs all the way for me. Like you said earlier - a timeless classic.

    To be clear, I only really like arcs on older pre-1980 Levis but also early Lee and Wrangler and even those companys' take on Levis arcs back then. Modern Levis don't interest me, regardless of the arcs. The only companies now producing repro jeans that l would purchase from are Warehouse or maybe Freewheelers. Most other popular denim brands discussed here l know nothing about because (amongst other things) l dislike their pocket designs. They may as well be Gap or diesel jeans as far as l'm concerned - they garner no attention from me at all. But without all these other brands we wouldn't have a community to start with, so long live denim diversity. Yaay.


  12. 5 hours ago, beautiful_FrEaK said:

    Your take on arcuates, did it change over the years?

    I guess a certain group here will only "accept" the original Levi's arcs because they are classic and timeless.


    Hey B_f, I guess l belong to this 'certain group' to some extent, but it's not a case of acceptance but more simply just an aesthetic. I just prefer the Levis arcs over any other (although l do love Wrangler W's).

    Like John, l grew up wearing denim and got my first Levis in my mid teens, with my first 501's a few years later.

    A few years after that and l had a dozen or so pairs of thrifted vintage 40's-70's Levis 501's and a couple of jackets that l wore and enjoyed. Those items are all now long gone, but thanks to the various international brands that have existed in the last 20 years, l now have a dozen or so pairs of vintage 20's-60's repro Levis 501's and a few jackets - some don't have arcs but most do and are all Levis-esque.

    So l've only really replaced like for like and nothing more, but l've always preferred the original Levis style arcuate but guess l'm in the minority now.


  13. @NilsLW Belt loops put the date at around pre-1978 (the bartack stitching is wider than the width of the loop), and judging by the coin pocket design, it may not necessarily be a 505 either. I'm sure 505 coin pockets are similar to the 501's type but think they changed that in the 80's maybe?

    Like you said, no real risk.

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