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Posts posted by Dr_Heech

  1. 4 hours ago, Maynard Friedman said:

    Yes Martin, it's a common situation., as it's easier to replace the expensive dry stone wall with a half price wooden fence. Glad in this instance at least that the local councillors are trying to reverse this decision. 

    Unluckily for me, my fibroma (lumps) on my feet are slowly getting worse and drystone walling isn't something l can do without paying for it in terms of pain. I do the odd repair but that's about it. Shame.

    With an average of 10,000 to 20,000 steps a day, being a Green keeper is hard enough feet-wise as it is!

    Ah well, such is life eh? 😬


  2. Remember someone asking about the pocket bags so thought l'd take a few pics of the inside whilst it's still light. They're made from lighter weight denim with M44 and #1479 stamped on them (barely visible now).

    (Interestingly @beautiful_FrEaK, my M41's are #1482 so only a few pairs between them).

    Hidden rivets are steel and rivets are plain copper. All the stitch is yellow apart from along the top of the coin pocket, which is a peach colour.








    Edit. For some reason, pics 2,3 & 4 are sideways here. Annoyingly not my doing.


  3. Thought l'd get some shots of my newly hemmed M44's, thanks to @Mr Black at Soas. When l got them done some months ago, stupidly l forgot to keep the old cut off pieces for possible patching and left the shop without them. The new hems are pre wash but already showing some good roping. Will take some after wash pics and compare them to my freshly washed M41's at some point.




  4. Our local shopping centre, which is tiny really even after the recent refurb, now boasts an Artisan butchers and an Artisan bakery, along with a new food court (hey whatever floats your boat) - Thing is, in the old precinct we had a regular butcher and a baker, they weren't given the added 'title'. So now wondering, as l dragged my arse through 6 years of art school many moons ago, if l am now an Artisan green keeper (or waller)?



  5. 10 hours ago, Broark said:

    Just booked a trip to London around Christmas / New Years, will be spending a few days there and in Paris, maybe Bruges or another place that's easily accessible by rail.
    Let me know if anyone wants to grab a pint or if you have any suggestions for a third spot to visit.

    Typical, lve had the last two Christmases off but have to work it this year, otherwise I would've loved to come and meet up for a couple.



  6. I know that Sugarcane have stopped putting tabs on their jeans a while ago, but l was hoping for one on this pair as they are directly copied from a pair of S501XX. I can go with no arcs as they are a war model, but no tab might make it a deal breaker for me. Shame.


  7. Supposed to be the remnants of storm Lee today, according to the Met Office. Bit disappointing actually, came home to a garden covered in the usual debris, but not one buckleback jacket or a single pair of Lee riders to be seen.


  8. @beautiful_FrEaK still a good fit though. I've lost a bit of weight so lm swimming in mine ATM, not that l have been wearing them lately. In fact l think l can honestly say that lve worn jeans less than 5 times since May as it's so warm. But l suppose at least autumn is in the pipeline so can't be long before I get the chance!




  9. So here is Mrs_Heech's late 60's/early 70's cord type 3 with a woven Slim fit label. It has copper coloured button tops but the bare metal is starting to show through dating this jacket to roughly 1968/1969. Pocket shapes are so so. Looks like the previous owner painted the adjuster buttons with white paint. It has 524 stamped on the button backs (with 52 stamped on the backs of the pocket buttons).

    And last up is her mid 60's 557xx which has older style copper topped button facings (like the boy's 70505) with domed centres and D & 17 stamped on the button backs. 

    According to the Levis denim jackets bible, the 17/D factory only produced type 3's with shirt weight denim on pocket flap backings. This one has the same weight denim as the rest of the jacket on the pocket flap backs, so don't believe everything you read (not that most of us do).

    Last pics are pocket shape comparisons and jacket lengths. The 557 is a size smaller yet the pocket size is slightly longer but the length of the jacket is shorter :blink2: 

    Just goes to show how levis played with the lengths on jackets during the transitional period of 1966/67 despite continuing to produce the 70505 (prev 557xx) and 71205 (prev 558xx) well into the 1980's.



















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