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h(y)r collective - Online Magazine


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Dont take these the wrong way, I just thought Id offer some constructive criticism.

First off, work on your layout, the text on your dailys section is all over the place, you need to fix the image wrapping, try setting the images to float left in your CSS.

Second, try and use the same fonts throughout the site, and try to avoid serifs (times new roman etc) for your main body text, this will make it easier to read and will make the site more cohesive.

Third, make sure your images are of good resolution and resized properly, theres quite a few with jagged edges.

Finally, work on your navigation, always make it clear how to get to the next section of an article, or back to the page you were at before. Hidden buttons look nice, but some people will find them confusing.

Sorry if Im being a bit harsh, I just figured Id give my opinion as a designer. Keep up the good work.

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  savage said:
you must be on a PC or something. Site looks good to me.

I'm fine w/ your fonts.. mixing Serifs + San-Serifs is nice departure and can out quite well esp. w/ headings vs content.

Navigation is always tricky esp/ with a blog.. anyway.. nice work,, keep it up.. i'll prob be in every once in awhile to check it out.

Whether Im using PC or mac shoudnt make a difference. Also, whilst I do agree mixing serifs and sans serifs is fine, when you are designing for the web/screen, its a better idea to use sans serif for the man body text, as some serif fonts are difficult to read on screen.

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hey, thanks for the pointers, I do appreciate it. To be honest, I'm not a designer, so this has been my first crack at it, so i think I didn't resize some of my images properly, and I understand about the fonts, there is work to be done.

thanks for the feedback


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should have some nice updates, and some good new features in a couple weeks, interivew with Kiya from Self Edge, Benny Gold, and a couple more.

im working on some of the layouts, and links/navigation, so hopefully it will be more user friendly

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I just have a few little recommendations. For the navigation from page to page I think it would be better to have the arrows outside of the box, instead of inside so that it doesn't obscure the pictures or text, and is more obvious. Also at the end of the feature I think the arrow should bring you to the next feature, or back to the features menu, or not be there at all. (Currently there is an arrow that does nothing.)

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