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HOT ROD!!! (shameless, feeble attempt at viral promotional double post)


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Hello Superfuture,

I didn't know which forum would be best...

All evidence to the contrary, but I'm actually not some corporate marketing douche masquerading as a message-board dwelling hipster. I'm a japanese-denim-coveting, grossly superficial nerd just like yourselves.

I also work in development at a certain production company at a certain movie studio that has a certain movie coming out this Friday, 8/3, called HOT ROD. If you're not aware (and the statistics say that most Americans aren't...) it's a very funny film starring Andy Samberg and written + directed by he and his Lonely Island/SNL cohorts; also the creative geniuses behind 'Dick in a Box.' Here's a quaint little article about how these friends from middle school became sudden filmmakers; http://origin.mercurynews.com/movies/ci_6498602

Cool stuff, such as the trailer, can be found on the movie's site:


Be sure to check out the link to www.stuntmanforever.com which also has funny behind-the-scenes clips done in character.

I only sometimes found these guys work to be very funny before this film, but I've scene it myriad times and still find it hilarious; it has enormous potential to be cult (read: stoner) classic. I really can't encourage seeing it more emphatically.

Moreover, since BOURNE ULTIMATUM is about terrorism, doesn't seeing it mean that the terrorists have won?...BOURNE ULTIMATUM + Iraq?

P.S. I have a gang of promotional T-Shirts so anyone who buys my shit in Supermarket gets one free of charge!

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