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looking for denim jeans manufactures in either Japan, China Or India


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Dear denim addicts

first of all, thank you for a lovely forum, have browsed around for days reading a whole lot of posts.

im running my own clothing company and are in the need of a professional / reliable manufacture for denim jeans that are based in either Japan, China, Hongkong or India.

it doesnt need to be the biggest factory since most of our styles run between 100 - 300 pcs for now, but we need one that can supply us high quality denim.

we sure are in this game to grow as well, but as everything needs a start before the fruit appears on the tree so do we.

so if you are or know of a manufacture that would like to plant the seed together with us and make it a growing & profitable business for both parties included.

so please, if anyone in here can help me out with contact info for a reliable jeans manufacture.

you can please reply to this post or simply email [email protected]



Edited by nekiw on May 14, 2006 at 03:20 AM

Edited by nekiw on May 14, 2006 at 07:56 AM

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I think I remember some Indian company offering a MTM jeans service on ebay for some ridiculous price. Might want to check them out.

There's a couple workshops in Tokyo that offer MTM 'full-order' jeans but they're on the more expensive side, US$250 or so.

Other than that, there's tons of workshops in Asia that would probably be capable of sewing to order, and sewing well, but in those kinds of cases you might be better off selecting fabrics yourself. Just my opinion.

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thanks for the emails I have got

but I would love to get moore help.

so if you know of a reliable manufature of high quality denim jeans from either Japan or Hongkong, please email me or reply to this topic.

thank once again.


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Dude, I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think this place can help you much. The healthy majority of people here are just shoppers and wearers of jeans and know how they are made and can tell the difference between all the different jeans out there, but don't know much about what goes on behind the scenes in making them because they don't really need to.

If you're really serious about making jeans, you'd do best to just find your way to Asia and set this kinda stuff up yourself with one of the hundreds of thousands of shops over here. Some could even provide the textile and develop a pattern at a ridiculously low price.

I pay about $30 at a proper store to get MTM shirts here in Korea, of reasonable quality, which I bet is expensive when compared to HK, the PI, Macau, China, etc. There's no reason you couldn't find a good workshop to make you jeans in bulk for a very fair price, but you really need to dig around in be here in person to make it work.

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