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ive called virtually every store in los angeles (that i could think of), and have searched everywhere online, and NO ONE CARRIES MY SIZE.

im looking for either the HEX, HUG, or MAX cut(s) in black denim (preferably cash, raw black, crank, or blackness), size 27/28 x 32/34. if anyone knows where they can be purchased, and would be willing to pick me up a pair, i will pay for shipping (obviously) and a nice finders fee.


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Well, Hollywood Trading Co. has them, so does Fred Segal on Melrose, and so does Barney's on Wilshire, did you check those? Also, you have got to know at least one person in Europe, and if so, buy them on Zoovillage.com and have someone ship them to you........

Edited by englandmj7 on Mar 30, 2006 at 01:05 PM

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yea, thanks. i called fred segal. the girl on the phone was a fucking snotty ass bitch. but whatever, they had the hex cash. IN MY SIZE! although i think i overpaid. but then again, its not like ill ever be in sweden to pay the [much lower] retail price, anyway.

Edited by chris on Mar 30, 2006 at 11:03 PM

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saw these on ebay if it's not too late to return your overpriced ones

--- Original message by jeffvyain on Apr 3, 2006 12:06 AM


thats my item. the mic isnt slim enough for me. but thanks for posting the link anyway.

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Quote: last time i was at fred segal there was a guy at the "denim bar" and he was the hippest cat ive met in a long time. dont knock fred segal over one bad phone call, its not their fault :)

Yeah, but I go there all the time and they are mostly assholes.....they get paid on commission so they are pushy as fuck, not to mention that unless your rich as shit they probably won't even help you. There is one asian guy that works there that is very nice though; I can't remember his name.......

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that's a pretty shitty deal. you're losing 110 bucks right off the bat, even if someone does the buy it now... i think i would cry.

--- Original message by jeffvyain on Apr 3, 2006 06:55 PM

what? no, i paid $260 for the acne hex from fred segal. NOT the mics.
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