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  2. nicks x HeatStraps jacket. Freewheelers 1947. Nicks boots
  3. 1947s starting to fit a bit snug. Hitting the squat rack too much
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  5. I DM'd you on Instagram It's the natural result but I don't know if it's their intention I always took their over-sharing as a way of engaging with their customers without having to say anything. I've asked them questions about products before after they'd shared something I posted and they almost always just reply with a like or a thank you
  6. Yea I was speaking more towards small makers - but, I will be honest, I also know that I don’t have the eye for detail that some you all have. I definitely am more inclined to see a whole thing first and sort of leave it at that if I feel it works. Whether it’s the precision of the construction or historical accuracy, these things never really have captured me all that much. My Ooe’s are wonderful, but, and this despite the narrative about them, I don’t really, not in any meaningful or practical sense anyways, find the stitch work better than on pairs of Freewheelers or even my old Raleighs (who I maintain had some damn good jeansmakers if not patterning and design). I’m sure some would disagree with sound reasoning - I’m just saying it hasn’t been material to me for my purposes. I guess this is why I was never totally taken in by Roy - perfection in stitching for jeans, while admirable, just isn’t in concert with how I think of jeans and why I appreciate them. Weird comparison here but if I think of photography it’s like the difference between viewing a sizable print (at appropriate viewing distance) from a camera that capture an image at 50 mp vs 100 mp. The resolving power of the camera (provided a base level of detail, say 24mp) is almost never what makes the picture successful, and if you had the same picture side by side, the 50mp print is going to register exactly the same to almost everyone. Maybe a few can guess correctly, spot a tiny difference - but the viewing experience of the picture is so much more dependent on other factors. So in this sense - the sense of things that appeal to me at least - the comparison to WMJ (or yes Rebuilt or BOT etc) seems apt enough, even if the makers veer a little differently in their visions.
  7. Most of them turned to rags and ended up either in the bin or given away.. the only pairs i saved are a pair of CSF-46s, Junky 46s and FW-47s. I only saved those because they're a bit special but pointless really.. they're too delicate to wear for any longer than a day or two. I've been wearing Carhartt carpenters for work these last few years.. £35 from the vintage shop, it's much cheaper than burning through £200 pairs of denimz every 6mths, albeit much less interesting
  8. He’s just got such a natural talent with technology.
  9. Cheers @sensy The pleat in your bag is a tricky thing to do … reminds me a bit of the old US postal bags
  10. Well sure, literally they are, but I think their ethos is a little different. It’s all about the semantics, right?
  11. Warehouse actually included the rope on theirs like MJF mentioned.
  12. Aren’t they both trying to make and sell (primarily denim) clothing? I think their goal is the same but their strategies to achieving that goal is different.
  13. Such beautiful work @Duke Mantee I wanted to write a little on the bag I made, and this ”pleat fold” in particular, cause it took me a while to figure out how to do. It’s there not only because I think it looks cool, but also the Liston locks can be sort of fiddly, so being able to get a finger behind to support the insertion of the lid lock part. Anyway, I think this technique is only possible if hand stitched, but I’m not an expert at machine stitching so I could be wrong. To do it, I prickmark the stitch line, one line on each side of the lock. Then I stitch from the bottom up, until the first mark seen in this image: The mark isn’t super visible, but its just at the top of the lock at the stich line. At that mark, I folded the bag over, and stiched through two layers. I continue until the second mark, where I fold the bag back again, and stitch through 3 layers until I reach the end. The top of the bag is skived to zero to make it easier to stitch the binding. I have never seen a guide on how to do this pleat, so I figured I could type one out. Theres probably even a name for it in french or something, I just dont know it.
  14. Yeah I don’t think the product is a good direct comparison, more so about the fact that they’re similarly set up (one/two people operations). Plus I think they’re trying to achieve different goals.
  15. Never knew that! Might have to try drying them on the clotheslines I have with the holes when the time comes to wash this one and the white one I have.
  16. ^ I like my Word of Mouth jeans a lot, but they’re not made to nearly the same standard of construction as anything I have from Ooe. That’s completely fine with me, in the end—I didn’t buy them to be built with every stitch perfect—but it makes them feel like a much closer to comparison to someone like Rockets or Bridge of Time (not that I’ve tried either of these personally, to be fair) than to Ooe. The only other jeans I’ve worn that felt like they really parallel Ooe in that regard are Roy’s, so maybe it’s too high of a standard to be comparing on anyway
  17. Well said @ATWM, feels like the social media marketing strategy is just somewhat of a necessary evil these days. A byproduct of the times we live in. I’ll still throw my hat in the ring and hope to land a release every now and then. But I won’t lose any sleep of any of it either. And agreed on Simone’s product, I’ll likely be a repeat customer after the contest!
  18. 1945 506 I got one wash actually from Bears (43 and 46 jeans I had from raw). I like the fit overall but the armhole is less comfortable than my Freewheelers Type I's. I'm hoping it'll settle down with wear - ptp is certainly big enough but not a jacket I would advise sizing down on even if say shoulder measurements look generous. Front length is on the longer side. The weft colour on 1945 is noticeably warmer/ more beige was one of my main first impressions. Also when buttoned it's a little bit 'wavy'. like buttons or button holes aren't totally aligned? I actually quite enjoy how it looks... presumably true to the vintage jacket.
  19. 1947 fresh from a hot wash and dryer. Hope to fade them like @Double 0 Soul eventually. Do you still have any of your pairs hanging around?
  20. ^ I know I posted awhile back about being bothered by the IG strategy. Since I’ve gotten off IG, of course I am no longer bothered by it. Annoying as I can find the strategy, I really rather view them as a symptom of the new commercial reality for small makers, wherein if you want to expand it is one way to break out to wider audiences, and perhaps the most utilized way. As I mentioned somewhere else recently, this has really been to the detriment of creators in all sorts of mediums writ large, but also to the extreme benefit of a few who would otherwise not have made it in the prior world of brick and mortar retailers with buyers. They’re playing the game well enough. The game may suck, but hard to hate the players. I love that they can do what they do and be appreciated. As for their jeans though, well, I’m generally quite happy enough with my WMJ pair and Simone that I would probably entertain taking that route again, to be honest (though with one worn and 2 untouched Ooe pairs this is a while down the road). It’s not the same thing, and he’s not getting his own denim for his pairs, but Ooe to my experience hasn’t really been appealing because of their fabric. Simone really offers some similar charm in a different way. And of course there are others. I know Ooe makes other designs besides jeans, I can’t speak to those, but there are usually good alternatives out there and if the Ooe spot is blown up, well, okay.
  21. Another variation of the sling bag - this one for @ATWM
  22. Coincidentally I’d just come back to this thread to see if anyone knows of heavier weight (17oz+) options in the regular/wide straight, high rise category. Some of those Big John offerings look worth considering. The 0105 fit is still perfect on me but as a motorcycle rider and cold-Winter country dweller it would be great to have a heavy version of them.
  23. Multi functional clothing ftw!
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