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Everything posted by Hopethisoneisnttaken

  1. Feel free to share some picture updates of how the jeans look. I know I’m interested at least.
  2. They’re pretty cool, though I’d prefer a bit of higher and wider fit (something more similar to BR 1942 chinos). I like the label very much though, and it should be interesting to see how tcb incorporate their sewmanship (invented a word here) to non denim fabrics.
  3. @julian-wolf I remember you had pretty cool wide SC you used to climb with. How are they coming along?
  4. Thanks! Purchased from celluloid via instagram DM
  5. So we can all have something to aspire to
  6. Anyone knows of a maker that does something similar to this flannel? I know FW did something but theirs was a more elaborate design and I’m looking for a simpler version.
  7. A lot has been said, so all I can add is personal experience (thanks for the invitation to share my opinion by the way). let’s start with tcb 20s. Personally for me they do not fit as a wide cut. I love my pair of 20s. I wear them a lot. Their somewhat of straight pair of jeans, my first pair of non slim jeans, but definitely not wide. For me wide jeans have at least 35 cm in the thigh measurement (straight line from the crotch seam to the outseam). My first pair of wide jeans (note: I had wide trousers before, like BR 42 chinos) are the old baggy jeans from Moto/r (This is a link), and they definitely took some getting used to. The cut is wide with a small taper, sort of a balloon fit. It took some getting used to in a sense that I was not comfortable with the look in the beginning, however I it was a combination of things. Mostly that I chose a bigger size so things took a while to become proportional for a lack of better word. Also I have a pair of belafonte denim trousers which are higher, wider and taper-ier than the motor jeans. There’s also the question of design, are you aiming for a classic five pocket? Chino? USN trousers? Tcb seamen trousers I think are worth looking into if usn trousers are an option. Another good option is Black Sign vocalion jeans (and while they cost a fortune on S&S, they are priced a lot more comfortably directly from Japan).
  8. Almost two years of wear, Moto old baggy jeans, clean after a wash.
  9. Here are a few from ig that I really enjoy: https://instagram.com/nora1985cat?igshid=MWZjMTM2ODFkZg== https://instagram.com/vintagecustoman?igshid=MWZjMTM2ODFkZg== I also created this board on Pinterest with mending inspiration stuff for myself, feel free to follow it though I’m not sure it’s to everyone’s taste https://pin.it/1Ao64pP
  10. i don’t get why the feel the need to talk down on other brands.
  11. Either way, keep us updated. It sounds very interesting and I would love to see pictures of the results.
  12. As far as I’m aware shoes like pottery and doek are both made by good weaver.
  13. What’s the cost of this service give or take? I thought I might send them a few old white whitesville tees to indigo dye.
  14. tropthy clothing has a nice version. not sure if their in stock now but yahoo auctions used to have a bunch of them. Worth looking into I think.
  15. I think that’s the original one https://www.soniceditions.com/image/playing-at-the-window
  16. I thought it looked somewhat familiar
  17. I was looking for an “entry level” ecru denim 5 pocket jeans and came across one where I like the fit on Marrkt. Name of the brand is Ends and Means, which I was not familiar with. Came a few days ago, here are some first impressions - overall construction seems great, and roping effect is surprisingly nice. The fabric is pretty nice as far as ecru denim fabrics go, but not as nice as warehouse/resolute etc. I don’t care much for the zipper fly, the snap top button or the front pocket material (which seems very nylon-y but tag says 100% cotton). The fit is very much to my liking - high rise, wide with a small taper. After doing some research on the brand it seems like some of their stuff are pretty nice, leaning a bit towards outdoor fashion.
  18. @chicote I felt exactly the same with previous release of victors voice capsule haha.
  19. Go to fromjapan. They have a service where you can provide a link and they respond if they can get it for you or not. Works like a charm.
  20. Anyone has any experience with a brand called Ends and Means?
  21. That’s one hell of an entrance. Welcome!
  22. @Geeman yes I guess you’re right. I didn’t think about this way. @chicote hahaha. No guessing needed (although most of the items are pretty obvious I think) Cap is ebbets field, shirt from Dallee & co, Buzz Ricksons trousers and Doek shoes.
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