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Unknown Japanese Brands


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  rockon99 said:
didnt the swastika mean something about peace and harmony and stuff until dem nazis turned it into the visual representaion of their "ideals" and "values" and thus their symbol? eh?

Have a read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika


The symbol as it is used in Buddhist art and scripture is known in Japanese as a manji (literally, "the character for eternality" 萬字), and represents Dharma, universal harmony, and the balance of opposites. When facing left, it is the omote (front) manji, representing love and mercy. Facing right, it represents strength and intelligence, and is called the ura (rear) manji. Balanced manji are often found at the beginning and end of Buddhist scriptures (outside India).

Buddhism originated in the Indian subcontinent in the 5th century BC and inherited the manji. These two symbols are included, at least since the Liao Dynasty, as part of the Chinese language, the symbolic sign for the character 萬 or 万 (wàn in Chinese, man in Korean/Japanese, vạn in Vietnamese) meaning "all" or "eternality" (lit. myriad) and as 卐, which is seldom used. A manji marks the beginning of many Buddhist scriptures. The manji (in either orientation) appears on the chest of some statues of Gautama Buddha and is often incised on the soles of the feet of the Buddha in statuary. Because of the association of the right-facing swastika with Nazism, Buddhist manji (outside India only) after the mid-20th century are almost universally left-facing: 卍. This form of the manji is often found on Chinese food packaging to signify that the product is vegetarianand can be consumed by strict Buddhists. It is often sewn into the collars of Chinese children's clothing to protect them from evil spirits.

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  rockon99 said:
didnt the swastika mean something about peace and harmony and stuff until dem nazis turned it into the visual representaion of their "ideals" and "values" and thus their symbol? eh?

It still represents harmony and flow, even today.

I don't know why the Nazis adopted it. The wikipedia link mentions simple visual impact, but iirc they were quite obsessed with ancient runes and symbols. That's probably why. One of those crazy fuckers even found a kinship between prehistoric Germanic runes and the symbols of other so-called "races". Just a mess. I wish I could recall a good book about it. Hitler's Last Days maybe?

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Have a read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika


The symbol as it is used in Buddhist art and scripture is known in Japanese as a manji (literally' date=' "the character for eternality" 萬字), and represents Dharma, universal harmony, and the balance of opposites. When facing left, it is the omote (front) manji, representing love and mercy. Facing right, it represents strength and intelligence, and is called the ura (rear) manji. Balanced manji are often found at the beginning and end of Buddhist scriptures (outside India).

Buddhism originated in the Indian subcontinent in the 5th century BC and inherited the manji. These two symbols are included, at least since the Liao Dynasty, as part of the Chinese language, the symbolic sign for the character 萬 or 万 (wàn in Chinese, man in Korean/Japanese, vạn in Vietnamese) meaning "all" or "eternality" (lit. myriad) and as 卐, which is seldom used. A manji marks the beginning of many Buddhist scriptures. The manji (in either orientation) appears on the chest of some statues of Gautama Buddha and is often incised on the soles of the feet of the Buddha in statuary. Because of the association of the right-facing swastika with Nazism, Buddhist manji (outside India only) after the mid-20th century are almost universally left-facing: 卍. This form of the manji is often found on Chinese food packaging to signify that the product is vegetarianand can be consumed by strict Buddhists. It is often sewn into the collars of Chinese children's clothing to protect them from evil spirits.

better yet compare the English one and the Japanese one.

It`s called "manji" in Japanese. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8D%8D

Thank you for clarifying :) i've def seen it on packages of food. i wasnt sure what the significance of left/right facing though.


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the yellow takes getting use to. i dont have the slim cut i have the regular cut, which i felt is slimmer than expected, but not bad. i have pics posted in this thread somehwere.

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  chantheman said:
hmm the denim isnt very slubby, really smooth. the closest thing that i can compare it to is a pair of SDA103s(raw) in terms of feel, kinda soft and smooth. 4 button fly a little tight right now just trying to break them in for a couple hours to see if they arent as stiff.

measurements are as follows tag 30

waist 30

front rise 11

back rise 13

thigh 11

knee 8.5

hem 8

inseam 33


going to start mixing these in with the contest jeans

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  rockon99 said:
Thank you for clarifying :) i've def seen it on packages of food. i wasnt sure what the significance of left/right facing though.


Sorry I wasn't try to pick on your or to point the finger at you, but your post was the most recent post on the whole swastika thing. Figured I would clear it up from there.

Sorry if it seemed like I was being vindictive.


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Sorry if it seemed like I was being vindictive.

sssaaaalllll good. even though i live in the most politically correct, non-offensive town in the fucking world. EUGENE.. ugh


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Edmond knows his shit homie, bow down and respect him..

I'm still currently searchin for a nice pair.. I'm mad cuz i found a nice pair of burgus plus denim but shit is out of my size..:(

Im thinkin of either buying edwin 505 selvedge slim or looking around for omnigod..

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