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^ i feel 4 u, hang.

i start classes tomorrow, and it's my busiest day of the week. like eight hours IN CLASS. every other day i have like four hours of class. and it's alllllll going to be that syllabus shit

i feel like "hurry and put your life in order before classes start"

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i went to best buy today and was able to exchange the tv i won on saturday. i got $200 credit and bought myself a 32" samsung for my dinky room. i'm excited, but now i have to go about rearranging/cleaning my room before i set it up. i also have to build an ikea bookshelf and hopefully purge my current one of all this bullshit i don't need. yayyyyyy

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i'm going to sell one of my favorite jackets, simply because i never really wear it. my boss really wants it and is willing to pay me pretty much what i spent for it. i just really hate parting with my clothes and i don't ever sell them. you never know if you'll fall in love with it all over again in a few months.

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selling helmut lang. it's still full priced at $575 but gonna sell it for $400. i wouldn't sell it for less than that though. for less, i'd rather just keep it.

crissy, would be dope to room with you but i can't justify moving elsewhere in san jose. when i transfer to uni we should do it, but you're going to nyu huh? :T

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there's a ridiculous storm going on outside, started on sunday going on until wednesday. i've decided to not go out and drive to school in crazy weather. i have every intention of staying home and cleaning my room, building a bookshelf, doing laundry, setting up my tv, and waiting for UPS to deliver my package.

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