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i slept in the kitchen/common room tonight because i lost my room key

i've had better nights

i did make a great hobo contraption to sleep on though

Man I love this, I once made this really good nest on the floor of a hotel room with spare bedding, pillows and giant soft bathrobes, slept like a babbie...

I quite enjoy sleeping on the floor in general actually.

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Man I love this, I once made this really good nest on the floor of a hotel room with spare bedding, pillows and giant soft bathrobes, slept like a babbie...

I quite enjoy sleeping on the floor in general actually.

cotton duck = dash snow x daniel plainview ?

ps @ mass: l.o.l.

it's funnier if you know the details of mass' living situation

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i regret lying to someone i really like about not having sex with some date i had. now he's pissed that i lied in the first place, when he already told me he didn't care if i did. he kept a distance and finally just talked to me after 2 days saying that he hates being lied to. things will never be the same again, i should have fucking told him about it in the first place. why the fuck did i not? i guess i was scared to "lose" him if i told the truth. i guess its a little too late now. i think i'm just going to let him cool down and leave him be while i concentrate on my exhibition in 2 days time.

p.s: sorry for the long whiny post. i just had to let it out.

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Some kid I went to school with hung himself. I never really liked him, he was a year older than me, and from the moment I moved to where my home is now, he always teased me and made me feel like shit. He was one of those kids that was so into punk and just being a punk that he never gave anyone with aspirations both musically and culturally have any leeway in their own interests. I remember him just teasing the fuck outta me on the bus when I was in 3rd grade and hating him so much. Eventually I got over it by the time I was older and hardened, but I never had a particular interest in ever being the kid's friend. But I just heard he hung himself and I am patently indifferent. Weird how that works, right?

i got robbed in high school

took the L

couple of years later, dude died in a car accident (no one else hurt, drunk driving)

complete indifference

i didn't wish death on him, but to me, this seems like proof that bad things do happen to bad people

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I guess. He just was a mean kid, but it was more that he kept it real. He wasn't a bully, I'm just a really defensive person and he chose to exploit that. He did it to a lot of people, so I don't feel like I was singled out except in the beginning when he knew I had just moved to the town. Otherwise, complete indifference.

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Why the hell were you in Iowa?
what the hell is in iowa?

I ws not in Iowa, I and they were in Denver shredding the good times.

It was like spaghetti, tortellini, and penne. Penne was hot as a mothefuckeh.


Oh and dey was lutheran school girls down to party cept for the busted spaghetti 1. (ruiner.)

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i'm doing the 40days 40nights thing, no cumming.

and on the 40th night, she said i could..u know..in da batty.

oh my, why would you do that if it's not too personal?

^that's love.

i thought this was part of love to express your feelings towards the other person. i'm not thinking of any "greater good" (some physical situations yes, though) that would deserve that two human beings couldn't give themselves to each other and just appreciate the good feeling that they are sharing in the real world?


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it's maybe 'cause i don't believe in much that i'm just like finding it hard to understand why you would private yourself from something natural, human and good for something that you can't see and you're not even sure about and for what reason? i'm just saying if we were like jesus was what they say he was, there would be no us, sooooo. that's very self destructive ;(

JEEP, you'll go deaf if you keep on that way haha

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i can't decide to wear brown/khaki pants or go out and buy black pants.

I have to wear a black shirt and Kinda darkish green tie for a function would the brown/khaki pants be to contrasting?

i think you should get yourself black pants. khaki pants, black shirt, and dark green tie sounds like a middle school uniform

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this portrait of karma: crafted in accident

text book seduction, minus the text in the language of ghosts

and so we ran, like the wolves were biting,

the inhibitions of their prey kept them from screaming

"scratch my back and i will stab you in yours"

so i chose to live this life alone, without the teeth marks

but i predict, i'll have to sink my fangs in someone else's heart to heal my own.

just a victim's split, one part for the wolves, one part for you.

but i'll grow weary soon, weary of this fractal code,

wary of this hallway lined with ghosts...

just a scratch upon the skin, a drop of blood to let them in!!!

their words will cause the sweetest fracture from a stone's throw.

just a scratch upon the skin, a drop of blood to welcome them

parasitic, viral critics, or lovers, like spirits mingling in the mist

that we crafted, a starving jury --

let them eat shit from our trembling hands.

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