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Denim Repair


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Anyone have any good tips on where to get some repairs done in london?

You could try Dale who used to work from the back of the hairdressers in Nottingham Court, Covent Garden. He's now moved around the corner to 71 Endell St (under the name of Maurice) tel 0207 836 9401. I've used him a few times for crotch repairs and he did a really good job taking in the waist on one pair. My advice is to be explicit about the repair you want.

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You could try Dale who used to work from the back of the hairdressers in Nottingham Court, Covent Garden. He's now moved around the corner to 71 Endell St (under the name of Maurice) tel 0207 836 9401. I've used him a few times for crotch repairs and he did a really good job taking in the waist on one pair. My advice is to be explicit about the repair you want.

Cool i work 5mins from him. Any chance you have pictures of these repairs? Im taking my most loved jeans for some crotch repair and i dont want them to be ruined!

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Sorry Paulo, I have no pics. If you go and speak to Dale (it's located in a little courtyard, set back from the street), you can talk him through exactly what you want and he'll show you examples from previous repairs. You can also bring in your own denim for patching if you prefer, otherwise he'll just use what's available. He's not Denim Doctors but he does understand the denimhead mentality and will do a decent job.

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The dudes from Schaeffer on Sunset did an awesome job on my Dry Bones. They were torn to shit. Pockets were rags, knees were non-existant, etc. etc. Had them hem them as well. Thought hey, if I invested this much into these pairs, might as well put some money into the repairs as well.

On the SExDBxS09, they did a reconstruction on the knees, but on the Red-d, its just the simple denim patch. Hope you guys enjoy the pictures.

SExDBxS09 (Lots of washes, lots of months... 16?)

Red-d (Lots of washes, not as many months... 12?)










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The dudes from Schaeffer on Sunset did an awesome job on my Dry Bones. They were torn to shit. Pockets were rags, knees were non-existant, etc. etc. Had them hem them as well. Thought hey, if I invested this much into these pairs, might as well put some money into the repairs as well.

On the SExDBxS09, they did a reconstruction on the knees, but on the Red-d, its just the simple denim patch. Hope you guys enjoy the pictures.

SExDBxS09 (Lots of washes, lots of months... 16?)

Red-d (Lots of washes, not as many months... 12?)










My pocket bags are starting to fall apart on my SEXDBXS09. Going to have to take them in soon to get taken care off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did some home repairs. Took quite a while and I hope the repairs I did will last. Original stitching is orange, repairs were done with yellow thread. I need to work on stitching in a straight line. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be.





All were done with backstitching


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  • 3 weeks later...

fixed up my skulls cause i love them and some things are worth holding onto

hole in knee that just keeps tearing


redline patch


goldline ecru or the other knee cause its gonna go too


washed the patches to pre shrink


ripped open the side seams


quickly machined over the gash


last record of some lovely fades before they get hidden away... steam ironed the knees to get them to lie flat for patching


made like parallel, but not quite




Dont retire those. Send them to me and I will make them look as if they never were worn or repaired. I help a lot of SUFU users and can help you as well.

Schaeffers Garment Hotel and The Denim Repair Shop


: bites tongue emoticon :

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fixed up my skulls cause i love them and some things are worth holding onto

hole in knee that just keeps tearing


: bites tongue emoticon :

Interesting. I was thinking of something similar for the lap of my lvc. The whiskers are really starting to crack. If they tear, hopefully it will be sooner than later, so I can re-fade a giant patch!

tg, would you be open to selling a small amount of redline, in the event of a full lap patch? I wouldn't necessarily care about having the selvedge edge, just the nice fabric.

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Wow, I haven't been to this site in a couple of years.....around the time they switched format. It's crazy to see my thread get this big! Lots of good information in here.

Actually I'm quite shocked at the *lack* of information in this thread. Browsing through this thread you would think the majority of denim lovers are expert tailors and proficient in repairing their own jeans. I'm amazed by the number of posts of self-repair works versus the number of posts about where to send/who to contact etc for repair services.

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So I finally decided to repair my Sugarcane Okinawas.

I really shouldn't have let them fall apart so much, spent an hour putting on a knee patch, and totally didn't realize I have giant crotch holes and pocket bags ripping... :(

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Cool i work 5mins from him. Any chance you have pictures of these repairs? Im taking my most loved jeans for some crotch repair and i dont want them to be ruined!


Did you ever use this guy? Any good?

I have some crotch holes that need taking care of.

Alternatively, have any Londoners ever used that Son Of Stag place in Truman Brewery for repairs. Their website claims they do them.

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  • 1 month later...

sup, people? this thread's been pretty dead lately.

here's some repairs I did on my 1966 superslims. They're getting pretty old now and it feels like there's a new hole or thin area every week so they keep me pretty busy. Also, I don't have a sewing machine so all the repairs are done by hand.



there's a big piece of denim underneath the knee area because the wholes around the first patch kept getting bigger

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these are my skull 5010xx 6x6 that i've had for around a year and sadly i have to retire them because they are too tight now and they are really starting to fall apart. lots of repairs to this pair, by far the heaviest repaired denim i've had. pocketbags, pocket linings, waistband, crotch, too many repairs.

they are really comfortable but i dont think i can continue wearing them anymore. last night i gave them another 2 crotch repairs which took me really long because they were all handstitched. 4 hours i reckon? so here are the pics.


i don't own a sewing machine, so when i make repairs i either have to bring them to a tailor or i have to do it handstitch. the last time i brough a pair to the tailor for a crotch reinforcement, it didnt end up too well. functionality it was great because the patch was really secure, but looks wise was a big no no for me because it looked like i had a cyclone up my crotch. those are my APCs.


so these are the skulls in question. you can see a smaller patch and then a larger patch. the smaller one was done a long time ago and then when i realised the denim was wearing really thin a few days back, i did a larger patch to cover the other areas but it had to overlap. i didnt want to rip out the smaller one though because that one took me a lot of time to do.


this is the other side that i did. i kind of misaligned the thing due to inexperience but at least it covers the hole. makes a good learning experience. would have loved for the patch to be bigger but i just didnt have enough fabric for repairs.


this is the overall look of the whole thing after all the repairs. not fantastic yes but i hope it will hold up (of course it will because im not wearing them anymore. but i plan to keep them for a long long time.)


final picture is the underside of the repairs. i dont know if im doing it wrong but the fabric with the folds seem really thick. i know im supposed to double fold to prevent fraying at the ends (which i didnt do on the first small patch so i know what happens without the double fold). am i doing it wrong? because it really is thick as hell and hard to handstitch. answers would be great because it would give me some insight on how to handle future repairs. thanks for reading my lengthy ass repair post.

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I have done a lot of crotch repairs on my PBJ xx005s and what i usually do is darn them. My mom taught me how to do it. Basically you start by going the longest distance over the hole and going through the edge into a good piece and then come back while staying on the top side. Should sorta look like this:


Then by continually doing this it sorta creates a layer of thread that you can then weave in and out of going the opposite direction but still picking up a little of the good piece along the edge and while staying on top. I did a quick google search and found a few videos so maybe that will help more than my half ass explanation. Here are two holes that I fixed up.


For these first two I never had to have a patch for the inside but later on other holes developed so I cut up an old t shirt and used that for an inside patch.

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I know there is a sense of gratification by doing the repairs yourself, not to mention dollars saved, but why don't you send em in to schaeffers garment hotel? Or at least email/call them to get a quote. They will give you a discount for being a sufu member. Ive had nothing but great experiences with em. They've seen it all and I'm sure they'll let you know if they can help you out. If they're your favorite pair, it's worth looking into.

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