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Everything posted by Dr_Heech

  1. @beautiful_FrEaK still a good fit though. I've lost a bit of weight so lm swimming in mine ATM, not that l have been wearing them lately. In fact l think l can honestly say that lve worn jeans less than 5 times since May as it's so warm. But l suppose at least autumn is in the pipeline so can't be long before I get the chance!
  2. So here is Mrs_Heech's late 60's/early 70's cord type 3 with a woven Slim fit label. It has copper coloured button tops but the bare metal is starting to show through dating this jacket to roughly 1968/1969. Pocket shapes are so so. Looks like the previous owner painted the adjuster buttons with white paint. It has 524 stamped on the button backs (with 52 stamped on the backs of the pocket buttons). And last up is her mid 60's 557xx which has older style copper topped button facings (like the boy's 70505) with domed centres and D & 17 stamped on the button backs. According to the Levis denim jackets bible, the 17/D factory only produced type 3's with shirt weight denim on pocket flap backings. This one has the same weight denim as the rest of the jacket on the pocket flap backs, so don't believe everything you read (not that most of us do). Last pics are pocket shape comparisons and jacket lengths. The 557 is a size smaller yet the pocket size is slightly longer but the length of the jacket is shorter Just goes to show how levis played with the lengths on jackets during the transitional period of 1966/67 despite continuing to produce the 70505 (prev 557xx) and 71205 (prev 558xx) well into the 1980's.
  3. Recently the on/off button on my Samsung phone (from 2016) fell out(?) So l had to bite the bullet and get an upgrade and thought l'd test out the camera. So it's time for some type 3 loveliness l think. The reason being l was looking recently at the buttons on my son's early 70's 70505 cut off/vest, which was a present from @Flash a few years back, and noticed the enamel had worn off some of the buttons so much it started to show the bare metal underneath. This got me thinking about buttons on type 3 jackets so l decided to do some comparisons of what few vintage examples l have to hand, you know for fun. First up - this vest was a jacket made roughly between 1970 and 1973. It has 525 stamped on the buttons backs. The button front has a flat middle with those tiny dots around the company name, which was the last type of levis jacket button used until around 2002 when production moved abroad completely. The jacron patch is thinner cardstock than used on pre-1969 70505's and 557xx's. Both patches are the same size with same print but the card patch on the boy's jacket is rock hard whereas the vests patch is very pliable. The Boy's type 3 is an earlier one from c.1967/68, having mixed colour stitching and copper topped button facings with earlier domed centres. No dots around the Levi Strauss & Co name. It has 521 stamped on all the button backs.
  4. Thanks @silencejoe Nice comparison but no way to tell whether an offset belt loop or not (the lighter pair are early 60's btw). On the front of the fly buttons, in the word 'levi strauss', is there a long/exaggerated tail on the bottom of the R in strauss or is there a short/regular tail on the bottom of the R in strauss? Apparently this is a way to determine whether or not the pair are from the earlier or latter half of the 50's.
  5. @silencejoe Looks to have copper backed rivets on front pockets? Has it got any numbers or letters on backs of buttons? Any numbers on the back of hidden rivets? Can we get a pic (on the inside) of the 'side seam' (thick, sail-like stitch going down the front pockets/above selvedge/redline seam)? Thanks in advance
  6. Shame @silencejoe but a nice vintage example nonetheless and look at that two tone yoke stitch (on the inside at least) and that beautiful, yet fully intact, pocket arc stitch. Plus, we need a full back top bloc pic, so we can see both pockets. Which model btw? 1953 or 1957 (or transitional)?
  7. Excited to see the '43 jeans when they are finally ready.
  8. Luckily for us that your beautiful type 2 averts one's gaze Original or repro?
  9. Dr_Heech


    Lovely honeycombs @unders
  10. Hey Grant, I currently have a pair of CSF WW2 which l purchased off of @beautiful_FrEaK - they have denim front pockets and are based off a pair of S501XX from the 501XX book. Really beautiful details - there are some pics in the CSF thread. Also got my eye on the forthcoming Sugarcane WW2 with the flannel front pockets - again, a pair from the book is identical so would be nice to cop those (details and price pending). There's a video about it in the SC thread.
  11. My experience - I have owned 2 pairs of the 555 WW2 lvc (and worn both) and owned (but not worn) one pair from 2005 (the ones with the orange stripey shirt material pockets). I have also owned (briefly, but never wore em) a pair from 2003 (554's) but sold them as l wasn't happy with the details and fit. My opinion is that the better quality/more accurate repro was the aforementioned 2005 shirt pocket model(8/10). In 2nd place is the 555 pairs (7/10) and in 3rd was the 554 pair (6/10). Never experienced the 643M pair - not sure if there was one. The models from 2008 and 2009 are pretty poor imo (2/10 and 3/10). Last pair of lvc l bought new was the 2010 s501xx: Cone denim, green herringbone pockets and thick leather patch (5/10). Still have these but rarely wear Obviously l turn to other brands now for my current WW2 fix.
  12. Yes sometimes I don't know if it's my OCD or old 'moderator attitude' left over from Denimbro days. I mean l have 7 pairs of 'Levis vintage clothing' jeans, some that are actual vintage clothing (over 20 years old) and some aren't (yet) - some are new and some are worn. But they are all lvc. They could all go in the Levis vintage clothing thread but then also they could go in the vintage denim thread, the nice things thread, the what did your jeans do today thread (not alot, they just got pulled out of a drawer/suitcase, photographed for discussion purposes etc). Then there's the WW2 details thread and 66 type jeans thread and if the stars align, a chance of getting into the iconic photos thread. Leaves my head in a spin
  13. @MJF9 That's not London town , more like Maynard's denim collection and you got to see a fit pic too. Lucky man.
  14. You don't need to be reminded of the title of this thread Martin, unless our fears of early dementia have started to set in - tbh it was more of a tongue in cheek dig at @Dry for keep posting his vintage Levis in the wrong thread
  15. The photo suggests two different zippers on each pair? One looks like a Talon 42? Can you confirm?
  16. Yes but remember @Maynard Friedman - your pair are Lvc and Dry's pairs are actual vintage denim
  17. Don't use anything with '-cide' in the title if l can help it!
  18. Not as old as you don't forget but l do remember wearing Box loafers (and/or wraparound Brogues) c.1982 which were purchased from Topmen shoes (anyone remember them?) and they were identical to the pair on the cover of Dancecraze (generic ska album) if you can remember that?
  19. Only the best for the Duchess eh Mike?
  20. Yes mate, the sample pair in the little video on the SC thread is all l've seen. Don't know anything else about them either but would love to know more too. Here's hoping for the more knowledgeable internet peeps to come up with some details for us.
  21. Haha, yes Flash has been a real mate in proxying my last few internet buys from warehouse and CSF but has recently taken a hiatus and is probably more focused on his family/work and where his next tattoo is going(?) and l don't want to hassle the guy (l may still ask him tho) - hey if l like em it may be straightforward to pick up a pair anyway when they're released (?) You said you saw measurements? Any links or help with that. Any photos of details? Thanks man, l know l'm a pain in the arse sometimes And as far as l'm concerned, the best 'proportioned' WW2 Levis s501XX lookalikey l've seen is probably the Freewheelers s601xx or possibly the Bridge of the times WW2 model. To be fair my only experience with original WW2 Levis was a pair l found in London which had been turned into shorts and another time when the local vintage warehouse had started saving denim bits/scraps of hidden rivet levis (c.1992) Thinking back, they were bits of mostly 40's jeans, with 'silver' or dark copper rounded hidden rivets so 46's (?) and wartime bits. Never thought to buy them, they were just piled up in a wooden box on the floor.
  22. This came up earlier, a very old '1880's era' photograph of some gents who seem to be donning early type one's (??) so thought l'd share. Courtesy of Mushroom vintage. (Sorry my phone does crappy pics so click on it for clearer image)
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