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Everything posted by Dr_Heech

  1. Nice black/yellow waist chain stitching on those. You copping?
  2. Congrats Austin! Glad it all worked out and everything is as it should be. Your daughter is gonna be the best dressed girl for miles l'm sure, stealing the steez from her dad in no time at all
  3. Love the buttons and rivets on those 209 overalls @airfrogusmc Very authentic looking. What year were those 209 overalls released?
  4. Nice to see you posting again @airfrogusmc looking forward to your pics mate. I still have and occasionally wear: 1955 501XX (555) - well worn 1955 501XX (554) - kept for 'best' 1963 551ZXX (555) - started to wear again recently Also have the 1880s XX (denim pockets) from 2007 but they are just a toy really. On the few occasions l've briefly worn them the sewn on buttons have come off. This happened years ago with my 1st issue 1873 duck pants so it's just part of the lvc journey l guess. I also have the 1880s Triple pleated blouse which l now don't wear. I also have two pairs of raws, 1937 501XX (643M) and 1920s 201 (555). The only two Cone denim models are the 554 55's and the 37's. I'm more in favour of wearing Japanese brands now, like Freewheelers and Warehouse but still love my older lvc wearers; they just remind me of where all this repro business started.
  5. Hmm yes, 'winky face' indeed. Nice to read but disappointing in the detail as usual. For example "Even the poorly done stitching on the waist belt is identical to the original". Looking at the two photos above that statement, it clearly isn't identical. The stitching in some of the other pics are different colours on the og compared to the lighter yellow of the repro. And l wish Sugarcane would take the flasher and ticket off for photo comparisons, as it blocks the view of the rear top block. Anyway I'm happy with my FW 1942'S 🙂
  6. Merry Chrimbo everyone, Let the festivities begin !
  7. I was a person with some foresight back then, as l 'discovered' vintage 501's in 1986. Unfortunately l was a skint student and by the time l had some money to go with the knowledge, by say 1989, the sizes weren't there anymore or had out of reach price tags on them. This is from a UK perspective only though
  8. Nice move @Mr Black and hope your new surroundings suit you and your family well. Nice to have met you and to still have the two pairs of conners you hemmed for me as a reminder of our brief meeting(s). Are you fully or semi retired now?
  9. She needs to cuff those sleeves but otherwise outstanding @MJF9 and has to be said, outshining the usual Dad-tux- core.
  10. @indigoeagle Yes looks to be the 1941 model
  11. Lvc buckles are notoriously weak due to them being pressed steel pieces. Sure that info is buried deep in the lvc thread somewhere. I've busted a couple of lvc buckles but never a Lee buckle, thought they were made of sterner stuff.
  12. Yes, time to stand up to yourself. Edit: surprised at the Lee buckle-break
  13. Dr_Heech


    Thanks @crownzip The denim looks great!
  14. I wear a belt with mine mostly, although l tighten the cinch strap too. I find they slip down eventually without a belt but that has a lot to do with the size of my beer belly on any given day. The belt l also loosen one notch sometimes, letting the cinch do most of the work. This usually eliminates any bunching up of belt, cinch and hardware around the centre back which can be uncomfortable.
  15. Good luck with that! 😆
  16. Lovely @silencejoe why is it your last purchase may l ask?
  17. Dr_Heech


    Thanks but alas l am not copping. With the Reverse yoke model it seems that only the year 1941 is used to describe it , not 1940-42. So a very brief experimental period for the manufacture of the 501 then? I did try and find out years ago about the csf war denim but drew a blank. Maybe it's a secret? Edit. Also looking at your above query, traditionally levis 501 had 3 button fly plus waistband button until c.1936, when they gained an fourth fly button.
  18. Dr_Heech


    That's fine don't worry. Saw a pair of sz 32's on their site and they had four fly buttons. Won't be buying them anyway certainly not at 260 quid plus whatever import taxes etc as well (l thought originally they were 200ish). Got stung pretty harsh on my last imported denim with import duties. They look great and all but l will have to wait until your forthcoming buckleback photo-bomb and live vicariously through you instead mate.
  19. Dr_Heech


    Thanks for that, yes that's my understanding up until now but l wanted to be 100% sure as a ex-Lvc fan l still have nightmares of button fly inaccuracies compared to originals 😂
  20. Love these tiny salesman samples and wouldn't normally bother posting but for it's rarity l just had to this once. And just for the record, l am not Dr levis.
  21. Dr_Heech


    What size did you end up ordering Grant? Looking at the pics, that size 31 only has three fly buttons whereas an original would have had four plus the waistband button. How many has yours?
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