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Everything posted by beautiful_FrEaK

  1. I simply love grey sweaters. Have a bunch of 'em. Arket - FW - Duke - RW
  2. Speaking of 714, wearing mine today
  3. We have some bad news...and we have some good news. Bad news first: We won't be able to make the December 21st start date. This is mainly because the contest leather patches with the new die won't be ready in time to let Simone send out the jeans as planned. If he pushes the shipping further back, we will interfere with the crazy amounts of packages during Christmas and thus the risk of delays or lost packages might go up. We don't want to risk this. This is also a reason we think January 1st (new year, new jeans) won't work as well. Good news: We found the perfect alternative start date...*drum roll*... January 17th! As you all probably know, January 17th is the Italian "World Pizza Day" (https://www.gruppouna.it/en/magazine/world-pizza-day#:~:text=World Pizza Day is celebrated,Neapolitan tradition and ancient customs.) So which day would be more appropriate?!
  4. A small gem for smaller people https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/japan/en/auction/yahoo/input/h1164412267/
  5. ^ that's a neat idea! Simone is still working on the rivets but it seems he is on a good way!
  6. So based on the previous contests we would do the following: keep the jeans raw/un-washed until the start date verify the "raw-ness" by taking a picture of the jeans with a newspaper or use the digital version of it after that you are allowed to wash/wear/stash away. Whatever makes you happy We are still unsure about the real start date. If December 21st does not work because shippings may be delayed, we will push the start date to January 1st.
  7. Maybe someone is interested and wants a German proxy?! I think the price is quite nice. https://www.kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/warehouse-co-lot-2001xx-type-i-selvedge-denim-jeans-jacke-gr-40/2932602883-160-15340?utm_source=sharesheet&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialbuttons&utm_content=app_android
  8. Denimio once took my pictures from the "b_F Samurai fit guide" to promote Samurai jeans on their blog
  9. @reubensangwich using a proxy is really easy but I know, if you haven't done it before it can feel overwhelming. I usually use FromJapan. YOu just have to make an account there and use this form to buy stuff: https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/japan/en/urlOrder/ Put the address of the Mepse Shop in the search bar and go from there. Payment can be done with credit card or paypal
  10. Yes, this is the plan Also another update, Simone plans to ship before the end of next week. If all goes to plan. With an estimated shipping of 3-5 days (give 1-2) days we could still do the winter solstice start (assuming we are all on the nothern hemispehere here). So fingers crossed.
  11. @srudy I asked Simone to check and he did send you a mail. Can you check your spam folder?
  12. Denime x Evisu anyone? https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/japan/en/auction/yahoo/input/g1162759054/
  13. Did you contact me on reddit? You won't find a size chart. Usually the XX pairs start a little bit over tag size and shrink from there. So a tagged W31 will probably measure 29.5-30" in one-wash state and will stretch to 31-31.5" (all measured flat, waistband aligned). If you are lucky, someone might have posted measurements deep down in this thread.
  14. In the light of @indigoeagle's recent post in the "vintage jeans" thread, one could also revive this thread
  15. A W35 with a 86 cm one-wash waist. Sounds logical?
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