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Durrty Dozen +2 offical threak


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i bet she was frightened the fuck out when the little plastic skull and the knife popped out. couple that with a face to kill, i bet she shoved the parcel right in your face and said "please take it and leave, dont hurt me".

all tour jeans should be shoved with a mound of dirt in the pocket prior to tour for safety reasons.

on a more serious note, damn the t shirt says it all. V FOR VICTORY. you victorious basterd, the jeans look like they were made for you. love how you stepped the fuck right into them.

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so i came back from work,ready to take the bike out to the centralstation to buy some magazines-and couldnt find my Stetson.called the wife,got told that she "borrowed it"!

so i had to ride first to a playground nearby to pick it up.


now the boring stuff starts,its a lovely day and i force you to suffer some touristic pics.first stop is an old railwaybridge:


followed by an old church




i am nearly there


hey look,another bridge!


i bet -Z- would kill for such a sky!


no comments on my hair,i know i need a cut-badly! will do it tomorrow,i promise.

some denim now:



lets have a break now,part two later tonight.

and no worries,i will show you the dirty spots of my town, but we have to start slow,its a month time and i am just getting warm.

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come on,your pics are great,you are the uncrowned king of worldtours.

(but dont tell tvshooter!)

what in the muthafuck!?!? that's ok. . . he can have it. i only fuck tours up anyway with my ugly mug and hippie hair. i'd MUCH rather have your title mr. almostnice as uncrowned king of beers and gettin drunk on the internet!

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nothing easier than that: 1.load fridge with beer.2.log in.3.get the beers down.4.browse through many threads as possible,post an offense here,some insult there.5.get more beers down.6.carry on posting.7.log out.8.go to bed.

Part two: less food in favour of bridges,skies and sunsets.

after rescueing my cap out of the claws off a disrespectful wife,it was time to follow the original plan and head to the centralstation.


passed the art-academy i covered three months ago in the wayjdt-thread (just for the record).


followed by a group of geese


full pic of the church from part one


couldnt resist abusing some graves as a nice background


railway tower



another bridge.on a sidenote: there are more bridges in Hamburg than in Venice/Italy.view in direction to the Alsterlake:


more of this Lake in the middle of Hamburg in part three.

now something more serious:


this is a so called Stolperstein-a stumblingblock.they are spreaded all over Hamburg,embedded in the pavement in front of former jewish houses in memoriam of the residents,who were deported and killed in concentrationcamps under the nazi regime.i read a good article today about how neo-nazis are refusing to support the german team in the worldcup,because there are too many players with turkish,polish,african etc. background.what a bunch of wankers,but on the other hand we dont need and want your support!

anyway,centralstation is in sight.


end of part two.

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almostnice, even though you are over-repped, wear a silly t-shirt, steal hats off your wife and aren't as attractive as your children, that is one hell of a series of pics.

Check out what rnrwitch is up to this weekend, btw. He found someone agreed to marry him. Unbelievable!

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almostnice, even though you are over-repped, wear a silly t-shirt, steal hats off your wife and aren't as attractive as your children, that is one hell of a series of pics.

Check out what rnrwitch is up to this weekend, btw. He found someone agreed to marry him. Unbelievable!

WHAT? does roy6 gave in eventually?

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Part three of a far too long DD+2 day.dont expect me to do this everyday.

anyway,the magazines i got:


Riddim is a reggae mag,90% is about modern dancehall which doesnt interest me,but the reviews about reissues and some articles about original artists from the 60s/70s are worth it.

Spex used to be germanys longest running mag about indiemusic,nowadays its more about art,fashion,literature etc but isnt it giving me the intellectual touch or what?

and now for Aho:the turtle that lives in the waterbassin of the local rowing club:



interesting architecture in my neighbourhood


some artstudents(probably)enjoying their slovenly life


how could i resist posting this lovely bridge?


as the sun went down i was in desperate need of a suiteable background for the last waywt-pic.after a quick search i found it.


see how good one can look.its all about the setting.


last pics for tonight!


at last the long promised sunset


good night.

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OK Almost nice bringing the thread back on with flavour.

Without really delegating at all, I personally vote that Paul T gets to represent London.

I will cook him Dinner and Tweeds can do the handover business.

good idea

as an aside, i was checking on what my students were looking at in the computer lab while they were meant to be doing research and one was looking at sufu, they had found it after reading paul t's book and googling him. freaked me out a little bit.

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Sorry to intrude on you nice folks, but, almostnice, rnr asked me to tell you that your Mr. Freedom fit looks like a wet sack full of kittens.

thanks for your honest opinion which i fully appreciate.

i will drown the kittens now by taking the pants to my old drinking companion Stavros,for some little alterations here and there.this will include some decorative patching with traditional greek patterns.

btw,your taste for strange boots is getting worse and scares me a bit.

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thanks for your honest opinion which i fully appreciate.

i will drown the kittens now by taking the pants to my old drinking companion Stavros,for some little alterations here and there.this will include some decorative patching with traditional greek patterns.

btw,your taste for strange boots is getting worse and scares me a bit.

Hey, don't kill the messenger. I told rnr it was mean.

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Hey, don't kill the messenger. I told rnr it was mean.

terrifying what this board is coming to...

a cannibalistic rep-war in the LVC thread...

...and rnr is not having the balls to say it straight into my face,instead he is sending his minion.but i will excuse it with him being busy to leave a man's life of freedom into the jail of wedlock.

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BTW- Roy6 - you really should post ur own opinion...we really do appreciate that a lot more than posting hearsay...

I think he looks infuriatingly good in the DD+2s, like he does in just about everything he wears. And the haircut... well, let's just say that I like it.

You can't tell him that sort of thing straight up, though. or he gets bashful.

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we just love to hurt each other til somebody cries.some sort of sado-masochism,its fun!

and today i decided to hurt a lot more people,but some may also relieved...

a story in 7 pictures.


last exit barbershop


should i stay or should i go?


last chance is gone...


...anxious waiting for the executioner


hmmm...should i leave it at that?


ready and done!


i somehow miss my beard,but it had to be done!

on the way home this group of cyclists stopped beside me:


not really my sort of transport,i am more into this:


some really cool advertising by nokia.

stay tuned,there's more to come.

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after getting rid of my catweazle mop it was time to leave some fresh air and sunshine onto my head.made a little tour with the junior to the "Stadtpark",Hamburgs central park.



the Planetarium,used to be an old waterreservoir/watertower...4735832511_f197c50e63.jpg

now its hosting the most modern 3D projector,demonstrating the universe and all things about spaceresearch.the shows are great,my daughter loves it.


had to stop by the playground of course...


the junior went squirrelchasing


...before we had to enter a swing



followed by this thing,which i cant find a proper word for,german its Wippe.


wasnt aware that there is a venecian gondola here


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