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Does anybody know where to get decent quality fitted oxfords? I'm not looking to break the bank, but I have trouble finding things that fit me well. I've got a medium / slim muscular build. I was going to load up on some TOJ oxfords since they're mtm, but it looks like I missed the opportunity for that one. I typically wear them untucked and tucked with suspenders.

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Does anybody know where to get decent quality fitted oxfords? I'm not looking to break the bank, but I have trouble finding things that fit me well. I've got a medium / slim muscular build. I was going to load up on some TOJ oxfords since they're mtm, but it looks like I missed the opportunity for that one. I typically wear them untucked and tucked with suspenders.


This one: http://www.brooklynt...ord-shirt-bkt10

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^ i had one from a few seasons ago, kept me pretty warm and it layered well; it was on the thin side, and fit tts.

the buttons were pretty meh, but if you find em on sale or in the supermarket it'll probably be worth it.

uniqlo's henleys are a good alternative; they have a 4 button placket instead of 3, the cotton isn't a light, but the fit is just like w+h.

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I am looking for a new down /loft parka. All the ones I come across have a hood with fur on them.That is something I don't want on it. Anyone know if the woolrich or canada goose have removable fur trimmings or can point me in the direction of one without fur??

Without fur would be even better , no use in stripping another coyote for something I am taking off..

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Guest nyctaipei


can anyone ID this jacket? he's a zara model so i'm assuming it could be Zara? or something more high-end?

hard to tell I know..but I'm looking for a leather jacket like this, lightweight, soft leather, and dark brown. Looking for very high quality (Louis Vuitton?)

if anyone can lead me in right direction that'd be great


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