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Broark last won the day on March 24

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About Broark

  • Birthday November 1

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    Austin, TX
  • denim
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  1. Can't say I've ever put that much thought into it. If I want to wear a hat and glasses I just do it! Sunglasses are a prerequisite here, I don't leave the house without a pair.
  2. ^ I don't think I've ever heard of this to be considered a fashion faux pas? It's often quite sunny here (regardless of the time of year) so I almost always need sunglasses, or is this only for normal glasses?
  3. Broark


    Damn I didn’t realize you also had a pair @aho! Did you get the HBT version of the newer S0001xx with the 2x1 denim pocket bags?
  4. Broark


    @yung_flynn thanks for starting the thread and gathering all these details! I’ve got a pair of the HBT pocket bag 0001xx’s, but I’m curious: how has your pair been stretching? Lately I’ve been thinking about selling my w36 pair and sizing up to a w38.
  5. I met Brandon years ago, nice guy. A lot of their stuff is more of a gimmick than anything, he's just seeing how far he can push boundaries. Years ago I worked at a shop that sold them and I can't tell you how many pairs we received with buttons / rivets falling off, weird pattern issues, one pair even had the front pockets sewn shut.
  6. Good eye, that’s the one! Love them and happy they’re doing well.
  7. @beautiful_FrEaK you might be right, it's been a few years so my memory is a little foggy. I just scrolled through their Instagram and saw this mentioned. Didn't see any other mention of the time machine oxidation process.
  8. Some things I'd like to point out about the AI summaries: -The 03 cut is not new, but the pair released last year was the first time they had offered it (outside of one Barnstormer pair) in 10+ years. -I'd argue that they don't use "grey weft yarns" on their jeans, the only pairs that had this was the S&S contest, LHT from years ago and the DB01s from Denim Bruin. -They only ever used the "time machine" finish on one pair, this isn't something they've used widely. -The boss pants were also made in a 10 oz. denim. The problem with a lot of AI summarization tools is that they'll try to pass off bits of interconnected information as undeniable fact, often times without any sense of contextual understanding. This is popularized by the RAGs technique (retrieval augmented generation), interlacing variable sources from across the web. But the downfall is that at the end of the day, ML is just a series of yes / no or 0 / 1 relationships layered on top of linguistic interpretation, and will never be able to fully replicate our own understanding of a niche topic like this. This is all coming from someone who's company is pushing AI garbage down our throats, it's interesting technology but the way people (read: CEOs) are convinced that it'll replace us measly humans is laughable.
  9. FW tee. WoM contest jeans. Dead weight. 😴
  10. It was referenced in the recent email from S&S, I think they’re doing a tour around the US and visiting their 3 locations to celebrate their 10 years of working together. @reallypeacedoff let me know if you end up going and are willing to proxy.
  11. We took our daughter out to the local wildflower center near our house yesterday, hard to believe she's already 3 months old. I've had a hard time documenting much lately, but I'm working on it! Before and after one of our pups got a (long overdue) haircut. Keeping watching during playtime. I've got a bunch of fancy sneakers but somehow I always end up back in these ones from Catchball. Seen a guy at one of our local coffee shops wearing some wide FH's and Paraboots.
  12. Back to our regularly scheduled programming, it appears that they're releasing a limited pair of 01's along with (maybe?) some undisclosed duck items. If anyone is going to Inspiration LA and willing to proxy please let me know, if we hadn't just had a baby I'd make the journey myself.
  13. He’s just got such a natural talent with technology.
  14. Well sure, literally they are, but I think their ethos is a little different. It’s all about the semantics, right?
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