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Naked & Famous Denim


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Sorry for the lack of the updates on my 21oz Weird Guys. haven't really had a chance to take pics of them, and I'm not gonna wear them til after x-mas, but since Z asked, I felt now was a good time to break them out. haha

Sorry for the terrible fit pics, I'm not sure what's goin on with my camera. i know the pics are small, and the quality is terrible, but the idea is still there,ha.

The fit is ALMOST exactly what I was looking for. I would call it a LOW 66 model. I would have liked a higher rise, but this works.

this pic really just doesn't give them justice



back (sorry for the awkward pose, ha)


Took some macro shots, thought you guys mite enjoy them. the details are what sold me on these. pretty low price on such a nice pair of jeans. Now, of course they are the heaviest things I have ever felt, but that's what I was going for.

The blank think leather tag. a classy addition by Gordon and the gang at BiG


you can really appreciate how smooth the weave is:


I love the addition of the black doughnut button and of course, the red selvedge is very nice,



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I'll admit it, the button seems a little weak, but there was no problem getting them to button, just a little tight in the hips/thighs area.

I am a natural 34.5 and got the size 34. When these stretch out,they will prob be too big in my waist, but the thighs should fit perfectly.

no blue hands, haha

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Ya, mine was like that but stayed on until a washed them and they shrank and then it popped off but it was easy to put back on. There are two prongs inside the button that basically need to be flattened some more. Use something to poke inside the donut hole and press them.These will stretch a bit in the waist and the thighs but what's weird is they don't stretch much right under the waistband... Despite the overdying (my hands were blue the first time I put them on) they fade pretty quickly! Enjoy!

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why would you? the denim is so stiff its awesome!

plus your stacks/whiskering/honecombs will come in sharper due to the stiffness if i'm not mistaken.

my wierd guys have 2 months (not washes yet) and they've softened up by now, but the first week of wear the honecombs were like razors!!!

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why would you? the denim is so stiff its awesome!

plus your stacks/whiskering/honecombs will come in sharper due to the stiffness if i'm not mistaken.

my wierd guys have 2 months (not washes yet) and they've softened up by now, but the first week of wear the honecombs were like razors!!!

I don't like crotch rips, haha

pics of ur WG's?

are your's 21oz?

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has anyone bought the N&F kevlar denim jeans yet? i tried them on at barneys and they have a solid fit and seem like they would last through the next world war. but i was sweating in them pretty quickly, so i bought the silk denim skinny guys. went tts as sizing down 1 (like i did in my cashmere slim guys, black selvedge slim guys, and indigo weird guys) made my ass look like a woman's.

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Here are my Vintage Blue Weird Guys 30 x 34. I bought these in about 9 or 10 months ago, but they don't get alot of wear. No soaks or washes. Starting to put them in heavier rotation.




There is a little knee sag which is annoying, but I'm happy with them. The quality of the denim, for the price, cannot be beat.

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the kevlar denims are a really dark blue, almost black. like a midnight blue.

and i also saw those crazy expensive cashmere jeans at barney's. the $1700 ones. they seem nice. not stiff at all, really floppy actually. don't know who would buy them, that's just stupid money for pants.

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I don't like crotch rips, haha

pics of ur WG's?

are your's 21oz?

so are you saying leaving the starch in weakens the denim = making it more prone to ripping?

my WGs only have about 2.5 solid months on them, absolutely nothing to see on them except some TINY TINY fades at the very bottom where theres a bit of stacking... which is weird because i would think whiskers or honeycombs would get more friction and wear than my ankle...

i think the vintage blue looks much brighter than those pics show...

the kevlar denim looks awesome, I was at barneys yesterday and they are indeed super super dark.

also konadog, i think you might be mistaken (or maybe theres some super-exclusive cashmere pair?) because the cashmere denims are indeed pretty nice and they're a little bit more but still in the price range:



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so are you saying leaving the starch in weakens the denim = making it more prone to ripping?


startch breaks down the integrity of the denim, leaving the possibility for pre-mature crotch rips and other tears in the denim more likely.

Now, you are right about what you said earlier, startch does aid in the creation of sharp fades, and that's why some people actually re-starch their jeans after a soak or a wash. I feel this is unnecessary.

With sanforized jeans like N&F, Nudie and even brands like Skull, the need to pre-soak is not there, but some people do do a soak to get the harmful chemicals and startch out.

I'll prob just soak at about 3 months on my 21oz.

good luck with your WGs, post some pics in here so we can see 'em!

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did you wash you cashmere's yet? curious to see how soft they are after a wash. I haven't put much wear into mine at all yet especially since the weathers so cold

i have not yet washed them. worn them maybe 10 times. when i called brandon to ask how i should care for them he suggested wear them as long as you can before washing. that being said, they soften with wear.

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^ lol

i soaked the waistband of my WGs size 30 because I found that they stretched to 17in. (size 34) it was the first time i've soaked jeans and I didn't get the water nearly hot enough or keep them at a high temperature for very long. they shrunk to 16in so 2 sizes down, but still 2 sizes over tagged.

not sure if i'll resoak for the extra inch of shrinkage

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i think i'm normally a size 30 (not even really sure). i sized down to 29 on these weird guy n&f's until it was almost impossible to button, yet still just barely possible to sit down in them. boners have been quite painful as i get them often. i've worn these jeans about 18 days and they've stretched even more than i expected, but this also may be due to a slight weight loss. i weighed about 158 at most when wearing them, and i'm down to 152. i hope to gain this weight back and more over the next few months. i'm 6 feet tall, by the way. and i also have some really weird wide hips, which makes buying jeans hard for me.

the knee bulges are ridiculous, but should get some nice whiskers. all in all, i'm pretty satisfied with my first raw denim purchase. hopefully i'll be back in some months with progress. right now, i just wanted to document the fit.




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got my 21oz weird guys yesterday for christmas, thighs are pretty tight but im hoping they'll stretch out nice for me. Im liking them a lot the denim is so stiff. Will post fit pics up later on.

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got my 21oz weird guys yesterday for christmas, thighs are pretty tight but im hoping they'll stretch out nice for me. Im liking them a lot the denim is so stiff. Will post fit pics up later on.

My friend just got them for $95 boxing day in Toronto :D

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