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^looking good bF ;)

Just got my Denime New66, 33/26





i didn't really take measurement, but you can see the drastic changes. bF and I had a tad conversation regarding the new66 cutting and stuff, and what he said is true about the 'slightly bigger in waist', because I found it so. And lastly, I'm gonna get it hemmed soon :)

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Will do, b_f-- denim is still hairy, and some nice wear peeking through. Working on grad school apps this week though... trying to incorporate the concept of wabi-sabi into my essay... haha. minus the reference to denim sub-culture, of course. i don't want the admissions committee thinking how weird i am for having a weird fascination with fades...

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Spidereye,it seems we have the same model of denime.but mine shows more wear than yours.also haven't got any clue about this one.can anyone get us some details


awe # i like this kind of cut,vintage model sadly i dont have one. :blush:
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Nice fit you've got there man. Just like bf said, some evoo pleaseee :D

Btw I was bored with my final year project and decided to snap some pics of the 66 ;D

12 days since 11.11,



Honestly, I swear I love the 13oz fabric. It's very comfortable for Asia's weather. Not as hairy as my samurai tho, but I like the fact that the creases won't settle easily. I'm really taking my time to see the changes.

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good fit grooveholmes...

'66 cuts are so nice, but it's a shame leg openings are so small for us bigfoot people.

keep wearing that '51 tillmann, wish I could find a deadstock pair in size 32, even a normal old XX would be cool

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I will till the Samurai contest starts but then it will be less wear for those...

i wanted to ask you about your pair. did you wear it after the contest? and how does it look like now?

and why a 32? did you lost a lot of weight or did your style change? :)

haven't worn my pair since the contest because they're too big...

I shoulda gone with a size 33 back then, by now I think I need a size 32, I'm wearing a size 34 in Ooe's WWII cut, 32 in MF Californian and Momotaro 1005sp nowadays...

So I guess these days my true waist size is about 32-32,5"

I guess I also have grown up (older) and don't wear jeans oversized anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

as I know how Denimes (at least the Shins ones behave) I gave the top block a little soak to freshen up the denim and threads.

The whiskers nearly set back in at the old spots


I've worn them for almost 2 months (90% of the time) and maaaan...they are sloooow faders.

Here's a shot of the backpocket, but already some weeks ago.


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man i need to hunt me down a pair of xx or xx'51 in size 32... just for old times sake...

btw totally late on this but, you guys do realise that wwii cuts have wider beltloops right?

noticed that pic you and kayo were talking about b_f...

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bf, definitely not feeling the price tag of 105,000 yen, either, for orrizonti era, but if there's a niche with buyers, it's understandable... just working under the assumption that it's odd that a retail store would have something on their shelf for 4 years and not mark it down. but retail is different from country to country, so it very well could be set up like a "vintage" store.

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Great find, but 4 years?? They should have marked those down!!


actually on that time (4 years ago) the price is around 300-315 US$

and now when I come back and saw them still in the store so I ask for it (first they not gonna sell this but I'm a good friends of them)

So I beg them for 365US$ and a cup of coffee :D

Edited by Plalai04
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Really an incredible deal

They really look beautiful. You're such a lucky guy to get them!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

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