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  1. Is proxy the only way to purchase things from Moto?
  2. Agreed - I've been eyeing those pants hard. They look great on you @youngofthesoonest!The price tag is the only thing holding me back at the moment 😅
  3. Wrangler Cap Sugar Cane Shirt Eat Dust Pants Vans
  4. I have a couple UES Henley Thermals and they're very nice. They fit slim, but have a lot of stretch.
  5. @cultpop 0217 Had to do a doubletake. Wasn't expecting to see a brewery I've visited before! Excellent fit too 🤘
  6. Gave my 0105ss' their first machine wash and they shrunk more than I thought even on cold. Inseam shortened up a little and got some more leg twist. They've already loosened up quite a bit after a day or so of wear. Really enjoying these so far!
  7. Globe Specs Thrifted Overcoat Jackman Cardigan Whitesville Tee Fullcount Moonstar
  8. Japan Blue jacket UES hoodie Fullcount jeans
  9. I picked up a secondhand TCB ranchman shirt and I think the cut is too slim for me even if went up a size. Does anyone have recommendations for denim shirts with a more fuller/relaxed fit? Thanks!
  10. Did anyone get their hands on the Black s40's jacket? They sold out in less than a day, but according to IG, Inoue said they have some more fabric on the way...very tempted to pull the trigger when it becomes available again.
  11. @tooth Very insightful, thank you!! Echoing what others have said, I love TCB's factory hems too. I've had jeans hemmed at Mildblend in Chicago several times and the results haven't been great. I've also had Rain from Indigo Proof hem a couple of pairs for me and she does solid work, especially with color matching the thread, but they're still not as tight as what I've seen with TCB and now FC.
  12. @Alec Leamas @reallypeacedoff Makes sense! Interesting to see the different results. @beautiful_FrEaK That was another reason why I wanted to try the 32! The factory hem has such beautiful roping already, I wanted to see if I can get by without hemming additional length, but alas, I think I would need to get them hemmed if I stick with the 32. Why aren't all union special hems created equal?
  13. I've been wearing my 0105ss' (size 33 purchased from Bears) for the past couple of weeks and the waist has stretched out quite a lot. I was curious to see how a 32 would fit me and since Bears was sold out, I purchased a size 32 from Rodeo Bros. I figured I'd just sell whatever pair I didn't end up choosing. When I first got my 33's from Bears, I noticed the leather patch was hard as a rock, truly super stiff, and crinkly. I thought, hmm they must have a pretty aggressive factory wash. They were lots of hard creases throughout the fabric everywhere as well, like someone washed and tumble dried them on hot. Minus the patch, I figured any creases would come out with another wash, and not handling any FC denim before, I thought this was maybe the norm for jeans with their one wash treatment. I got the 32's from Rodeo Bros yesterday and I was a little surprised at the difference. The patch is very supple, no visible creases anywhere, and even the hand feel is slightly different, perhaps slightly more rigid. I'm not upset or anything, I just think it's interesting. Is it possible Bears did an additional wash to try and squeeze out any further shrinkage? Or perhaps it was returned by a customer who did their own wash, but then that means they would of had to attach the pocket flasher and tags? Curious to know if anyone else has experienced this.
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