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Posts posted by Egpt

  1. I think its just that. My white person hair without a shower conforms to my dreams with no product. But his hair still looks like it has something in it.

    looks great. you get bodywave, right? how often, etc.?

    Just an year late but i realized a couple of people asked me questions when i was going through my posts here. Nah, i didn't use anything at all on my hair nor did any kind of treatment or bodywave. are you asian american_hearts? i got that question asked by like 3 different korean girls in 1 month, i might be on to a pattern here

  2. Coming from a guy who dresses the way he does the undercover comment is hilarious. Hopefully Jun makes some spread collars, funny looking ties and awkward blazers next season to make this guy happy.

  3. i'm all for hating, but that didn't even remotely made sense. It was not even funny in a farfetched senseless way, it was just extremely mediocre and embarrassing. Good thing you weren't so sure yourself of how well it would be received by the board and you registered a ghost account to share it so it didn't stain (more) your main, most likely mediocre too, real account, so i give you a little respect for having something deep down in your guts that has some sense.

  4. Bump. Hey, is this service still available? And do you ship live animals? I am looking for a Portugeuse water dog.

    Service will be available until 22nd of september when i leave Portugal yet again. portuguese water dog can be shipped, but probably not live. you can choose whether you want it roasted, grilled or fried though

    I want köp 15kg of salted cod & a 1 dozen egg tarts plz thx bai

    believe me, you do not want to be the recipient of salted cod, it will get you extremely weird looks at the post office, like you just ordered severed limbs that reek from the internet or something. personal experience. egg tarts can be done

    I'll take 4 dozen pasteis de nata from the Casa Pastéis de Belém and a couple boxes worth of rissóis de camarão.

    i was actually in that place one month ago. they are still amazing. I appreciate your skills in properly using portuguese linguistic tones. any portuguese background there?

  5. dcdc2df7.jpg

    $45, hard not to.

    holy fuck, i would buy those in a heartbeat if i found them at that price. i needed a pair of basketball shoes about a year ago and ended up going for the kobe IV, which ended up being a really nice purchase, but i had seen teaser pics of those already and always had a soft spot for them.

  6. Have you seen them in person? They're advertised as made in UK, and I know some OL shoes have been made there, although most are Portugal as you say--similar to APC, Opening Ceremony. EDIT: Just ordered a pair.

    i have seen them in person and they are really nice, i'm sure they will stand some beating, and i was 100% sure they were made in portugal for some reason, but it is true than on tres bien they advertise them as made in the UK and they know their stuff. Maybe when i saw them i just assumed they were made in Portugal because that's what i got used to by them. Anyway, whether they're made in the UK or Portugal you will be fine and won't regret it for sure.

    Post your thoughts when you receive them.

    Edit: actually TBS says they are an exclusive stocklist of the shoes...so i guess i have seen some other model and am mixing them up. I'm lost here to be honest ahah

  7. ahaha, that story has restraining order followed by psychiatric treatment written all over it.

    second and third tier sufu's is supposed to be a high standard? most dudes in here are ugly as fuuuu and uncomfortable even in pics, i can only imagine irl

  8. how hard is it to get an appointment with Thomas Hooper? i know he isn't taking any people in the near future through his webpage but i would like to get some impressions from people that are locals or have been tattooed by him to get a better idea, don't really want to bother him with an e-mail yet

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