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Evisu is still loved!


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Anyway...was gonna take some evo pics but the light faded before I pulled my finger outta my hoop so took a few fit pics instead, to keep the thread lively...

Evis Type II jacket, worn on and off since October 08, evo pics to follow soon...and the jeans are for Paul T's benefit, as per his last rep comment!:



Sun-fucked pics of one of the early non-selvage Evis models, can't remember the name of them right now:



Lazy S jeans after a wash, with the arse sagginess sorted for now:



And a fit pic of Lot 2004 in No2 denim, gulls painted by the serene Hiroko:


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Nice to see that ass sag is gone, they are looking really nice now.

Took a few fit pics of my new evisu's. These are No2 2000 size 30. They were pretty loose and had massive hip flare (well massive for me anyway) so I ended up hot soaking them for 1 hour. The painted gulls started to crack a bit and the inseam shrunk about .75 an inch. The rest tightened up a little but not too much.



And this is another fit pic of the No1's 2000 size 31. Pics are a bit dark sorry but its the black gulls.



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i called into my friends shop today and to my surprised there was a lot 1506 denim jacket waiting for me, it was covered in dust because it was sitting in his stock room for around 12 years under shelves , ill get pic's up soon there is another in a size 46 , im gona have to have a rumage through that stock room sometime

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couldnt edit my post for some reason

here's some photos of the jacket


not to sure about the paint but it wont take long for it to fade


the denim is realy nice sorry i didnt get close shots but with my camera you wouldnt see too much anyway


i boiled the jacket to shrink it because it was just a little big i the arm , i ruined the patch but i have an old cotton patch from a pair of 2001's

just a few fit pic's



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i had a look salaami but all i could find was an early italian made type 2 (cant remember what size) and the same type 1 in a 46 with light blue paint , also i havent forgot about the denim scraps ive just been realy buisy ill send them over in a week or soo

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Yeah... I was a bit hesitant to do that I think. I guess it's sort of superficial but the idea of machine washing or drying my raw Japanese denim sort of hurts the mystique of it. For me at least, maybe it's silly. Really wanted to just hot soak once and then maybe just soak once a year and never have them go near a machine.

Was also a bit hesitant because I may try to sell them if I can't shrink them more, and I'm not sure if a potential buyer would like buying unsaforized No1s which have been machine washed, dried.

Mate, they're jeans and nothing more.

You won't get 'natural' fades and stuff by wearing them unnaturally, i.e. by never washing them and treating them with iconic reverence. Some of the jeans you see on the evo thread have amazing fades through long periods of wear without washing, but they're about as natural as a nugget of phoenix dung. In fact, a lot of them look as artificial as the 'washed' denim that gets slated so often on here...

I'm guessing that Yamane et al would be baffled by the whole 'mystique' attached to raw denim by some SuFu members; in some cases it borders on fetishism...

And soaking jeans just once a year is gonna really endear you to the people around you, unless they're 40-a-day smokers with little sense of smell :)

Just get them on and start putting your imprint on them, or sell them on - no serious denimhead on here is gonna have issues with how exactly you achieved maximum shrinkage...they'll only be looking at whether or not the denim is showing wear already from the previous owner...you're doing potential buyers a service by getting maximum shrinkage outta the jeans as they'll then know exactly what they're getting.

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a nugget of phoenix dung. dude you gotta let me use that! this post is chock-full of truth.

Go for gold, mate. And had to say all that, before people start lighting incense in front of statues of Ebisu praying that the Year of the Tiger is an auspicious one for fades :D

Sounds better than a 'unicorn's turd', eh?

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