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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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My Tweeds....

I like how they are coming along. The color is best represented by the lap picture. The tweed yarns are really popping out.

These have enjoyed a room temp soak and a room temp hand wash with bronners at 4 months. They are currently riding on 5 months.








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Tweeds are looking Good will they eventually have a brownish tint to them or will they still be all round blue?

Actually the pics don't really do them justice. I think the pics are a little too over lit. They do have some browns in them already, but I don't expect these to fade with a super high contrast type fade. The color is quite darker than in the pics.

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switch: been waiting to see those. They look great.

edit: and is anyone here on a weekly washing schedule? I've had my SC 1955s for two months now (and soaking with soap each month) but I feel like I should be washing these things every week. I work in a very hot coffee shop and I coffee grounds on them which is dulling the color of the jeans. It's also hot as hell in the cafe and I bike to work. I sweat a lot.

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