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Alec Leamas

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Everything posted by Alec Leamas

  1. @TheIntelligentHoodwinker nice collection! In my size too!!! Where do you buy yours from?
  2. A 6-month fade drag race has potential to be quite the spectacle! Though would probably only encourage behaviour the likes of which we have documented and discussed recently on the blunders and general nonsense thread.
  3. 16 years is a bloody good innings for a sweater!! Hoping mine will last that long! I have every intention of picking up another colour or two in the freedom sleeve, which I believe is slightly shorter collar to waistband than the set-in?
  4. Said sweater, not sure what I’m doing there in that second photo - trying to fly away?!
  5. Do we have a deadline for getting orders in / deciding on a cut?
  6. @beautiful_FrEaK some may have missed the post requesting a DM like me! (though granted most are probably more competent and alert than I am!)
  7. As mentioned above, you can contact them directly via email here: https://www.timeworn-clothing.com/ My experience with this was, I emailed them asking whether there was a catalogue or currently in-stock list and was told you literally look on instagram and list the things you want based on what people have posted there. Definitely not what I was used to but thought fair enough.
  8. My two penneth on the vintage style sweatshirt game is that the Cushman lot 26903 cannot be beaten. Providing they don't change the materials or pattern, I'm set for life for sweaters, I've no need to go anywhere else!
  9. @willi sorry, that’s a good question and I should have been clearer. I take a US8.5 in Red Wing Blacksmiths, a US8.5 in John Lofgren M43’s and a US8.5 in Alden’s Van last. Honestly no idea what my Brannock size would be. The leather is absolutely delightful! A real rich shade, lovely and soft too.
  10. I have a wide foot and high instep, and actually went with my normal size for the Yuketen kiltie bluchers. I have them in the Opera flesh out chestnut brown leather and though they were a touch narrow to begin with the leather is very soft and pliable, very very comfy shoes now. I am a U.K. 8-8.5 (US 9-9.5) and took the Yuketens in a 9E. If I could have scored a 9EE I would have done but they are seemingly somewhat rare / perhaps custom order.
  11. Apologies only just seen this now, and have now DM'd!
  12. I have absolutely no choice in this. If I am to wear these as much as I plan to once this starts, they will undoubtedly need a weekly wash! The kids and the animals will see to that.
  13. Picked up a pair of 1001XX (1000XX) 1953's off Mercari via FromJapan (sidenote I have only recently dived in there and deary me there's truly a wealth of great stuff there!!!) I had been after these for a while, even pondering getting some for UK retail and they literally sold out as I was in the final stages of deciding / faffing - a blessing in disguise! Bit of an odd one as the hem looked unwashed, yet there is some light wear elsewhere, they're in great condition anyway. Looks as though I might be the 3rd owner and the 2nd owner had them hemmed but then changed their mind or something like that. Super pleased with these, typical DSB neppy softness. I also love the details on the 1953 pair - multicoloured stitching throughout and the visible fabric folded over on the pocket corners is a nice little touch I've not seen on any other WH pairs. Don't think I've seen the DSB 1953's shared here so adding a few pictures. Couple outside in the sun shots and some indoor ones - the true colour of the fabric is somewhere between the outside and inside shots, those who have seen new ish DSB fabric will know the type, it's definitely the same version of the fabric as my 1000XX.
  14. @aho on sizing, I was going to go up one from my warehouse size (34 to 35) simply because 35 is available, and it would allow me to be more liberal with the dryer over winter/wet days and maximise wear. Waist is always okay at 34", it's the thigh that pinches in too much for me with dryer usage I got to this based on the size charts and @beautiful_FrEaK's shrinkage experience with his current pair With both of those fabrics listed above, I'm assuming they'll shrink and expand similarly given how close they are in terms of yarn count and density....or would anyone with more experience or understanding disagree with that?
  15. I have just seen that Warehouse updated the Denime graphic and have now shared it on the blog on their site, this version makes a bit more sense!
  16. ^ I like that idea, adds a bit of ceremony/reverence
  17. I wondered the same thing ha. While I wait for news on the fabric I'm deliberating between the 5150 and the "42ish" cut!
  18. Come and join the Word of Mouth contest! 💡
  19. Exciting info it was too!! So glad this is actually getting off the ground!!
  20. Yes, I was thinking the same, I did a load of basic size chart calcs using the shrinkage seen on that WW2 model and settled on a 35 in the 50’s cut for now, but then if the denim is very different that might change. Whether the denim ends up being the same Collect / Shinya stuff or something else I’m still excited!
  21. Going to have a proper perusal of the size charts and the review piece again and gather some clues on cut and size for myself!
  22. Yep works for me too! Without getting too ahead or too excited, where are the WoM size charts at??
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