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srudy last won the day on January 22

srudy had the most liked content!


2011 making progress

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    denim is my world, food is good too.
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    oakland, ca
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  1. Out for a walk near my house in Northern CA, big Douglas fir trees, views and water-especially with all the rain we’ve had! Troy O’Shea hat jacques Marie mage glasses 3sixteen x crescent down works down jacket Word of mouth 411S contest denim duke mantee belt on running shoes
  2. srudy


    @Duke Mantee omggggg, love that one!!!!
  3. The Worcester hunting jacket, my favorite of all time!
  4. Lots of things for sale, including these brand new, never soaked, tags still on Cushman size 34 jeans I waited a loooooong time for…. https://www.ebay.com/itm/186914252511?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Z7PyCM-HQ7q&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=Z7PyCM-HQ7q&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  5. @julian-wolf Omg, right?!?? Should I wear the vest too? 🤣
  6. Happened to get the Ooe jacket today once my contest jeans had dried. It may be a very denim 18 months!
  7. #208 Got mine today! Looks like I’ll be a week behind the rest of you, but I’ll have 17 3/4 months to catch up. Love the denim, great details, and the presoak fit looks pretty spot on. I’ll post more once I get them soaked and dried.
  8. Got delivered to the post! I’ll get them Monday or Tuesday!
  9. Yeah you’d think that @julian-wolf I agree! But looks like mine landed in the US Jan 15 and haven’t moved.
  10. How many of us haven’t received them yet?
  11. Mine look like they are still in Rome, but I’m quite hopeful given there are some California folks who got them today!
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