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el padre

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Posts posted by el padre

  1. 7 hours ago, roomtemplacroix said:

    those aren’t storm clouds. battening the hatches and gearing up to leave as the threat of wildfires is getting much too close for comfort. there’s are large fire burning about 20 miles east of me here in oregon. i did give my jeans another soak yesterday. 

    Good luck, hope you all stay safe and the fires get under control 

  2. @breakingfad Mine did similar, 84 -> 81

    @Darren Barbera don't worry about water fading them. Mine looked no different after a 30 degree machine wash. I doubt they'd look much different if I washed them every day for a month. Time does the fading.

    They're still chucking indigo all over the place, to the extent that one of my kids was worried for my health ("dad, your hands have gone blue! are you feeling OK?"), but they're still darkly rich with it.

  3. 10 minutes ago, beautiful_FrEaK said:

    That fit is so good @el padre !

    Thank you sir!

    I got more shrink at 30 degrees on the one wash version. But they stretch back so easy in the waist. I'm concerned my ass is going to stretch and sag too but let's face it, I can't see it, and no-one else wants to, so not a big deal these days

    @SLAB that cuffing looks good to me. 

    I've been rolling between double and triple cuffs, depending how fresh my ankles want to feel. I dunno if triple is wrong but I kind of like the way it weights them on a looser fit. But autumn is coming and the breeze is picking up, and so I suspect those days will soon be gone 

  4. 5 minutes ago, tigerstrom said:

    "measure your waist italian style"

    I measured my waist british style

    = breathe in, pull the tape as tight as it goes, ignore whatever it says, and use the measurement it would have been in the late nineties instead

    My kidneys are balanced on top of my lungs until I get enough stretch to fit them back in where they're supposed to be

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