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Posts posted by bradl
Can't make out what venue that is Chicote, where were you at??
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Wow exceptional pairs quoise and tonoak
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Ok so here might be a sign of poor stitch work causing problems. Think I have had them for close to a year now, and the midsole is separating. Was curious why my right foot was soaking wet all day, needless to say I was pretty chapped when I seen this on my way home.. Emailed Kyle and he said they should be able to be replaced at no cost. Would be sweet if they decided to put a new sole on it for my trouble
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One thing I find interesting is the tightness in combs from my left to right arm, not sure why it's like that tbh
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One thing I find interesting is the tightness in combs from my left to right arm, not sure why it's like that tbh
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Got caught in the rain with my jacket on and it just went to shit. I also started a new job where I am continuing my carpentry apprenticeship, yada yada yada here's the jacket. Pants will probably get a wash tomorrow as well, so pictures sometime soon for that.
One thing I find interesting is the tightness in combs from my left to right arm, not sure why it's like that tbh
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in superdenim
Billy that jacket is going to shape up beautiful. Did you button the cuffs up for this photo or did you swap that look out?
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Yeah, I just recovered recently from all them neg happy posters from back in the day...
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Sufu use to have an old format, they switched to the current interface and it pissed off a lot of people and people stopped posting. I didn't post or lurk much after the switch so Don't know all the details, but I'm sure others can shed light on itOne thing I find really interesting is the patternless shifting of trends within the raw denim community itself.
I wasn't here on Sufu in the 2000s but I have heard plenty of older users talking about times when you were recommended to size down 2 on everything, to stack & never cuff, wait 6 months before wash... etc.
So I guess I would like to ask the older users who were here through all of this shifting: what happened to make Sufu the way it is now, or maybe more pertinently, not the way it was then? Did people just stop posting? Was there some broader move in the fashion industry that had folks lose interest? Did everyone's tastes suddenly evolve? What role did newer denim shops (ie. Self Edge) and older ones (ie. DC4) play in the process? I'd be curious to hear people's responses, or speculation if you weren't there.
But when I first joined it was downsize two for PS if you could do three that was even cooler, sag them halfway down your ass and stacks on stacks. Checking back on one of my ps it has a 28 waist. Granted I was skinnier back in highschool, but it was brutal off the start.
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#1 reason why soaking a pair of unsanf jeans at the start is a horrible idea. 1 or two trips through the washer is an absolute must. The one thing that 99% of people don't understand, is that it's not the spin cycle that takes out the indigo it's the miles.
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i'm going to Vancouver soon so i need some spending cash. maybe later in life...
Make sure to check out Nifty do, definitely best shop in the city.
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Some home repairs... I don't want to get these repaired until I can get them to Rain at SESF, I'm surprised that they really haven't needed too much yet!
Looks like she is stepping away from darn it and doing her own thing now.
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in superdenim
Is that the first run price, or the permeant price? I think I'd get it regardless of measurements, but would have to be in a month or so
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Looks awesome, and so much more to give too. I really really need to get me a pair of 103s....
But I haven't seen many at that stage, super grainy and the front looks a bit like the 710 at an early stage.
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And sorry Maynard, but my underwear is not raw ha ha
I am sure foxy is breathing a sigh of relief
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in superdenim
I'm with holio. That chest measurement is just to far off for me. Gutted as I have been in on this since the start.
But would totally reconsider if he did a slim run
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I know, I'm pretty stoked to see how it will come out. I am just not sure when I will do it. Not sure if I want to hold out for a little while longer, or just wash now.
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can anyone tell me what the SDA Authentic line is?
Uneducated guess, a cheaper line of sda denim. But really just guessing.
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Not sure how I feel about the pockets, but I do like the pleat stitching and LOVE the collar.
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in superdenim
Yeah, I am quite aware but it's still hard to find anything in Canada using metric. Still quite confused as to what size I would need. Like a ~18" shoulder and a 20.5" chestc'mon now, we've all seen this right?
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I've somewhat eased back from the days of Nick's vs. White's and came to the conclusion that White's are both more aesthetically pleasing to me (not as chunky), and are durable enough/have enough quality control for how I use them (city pavement stomping). I don't doubt that Nick's make a more durable boot with better QC, but for me, White's serve my intended purpose.
Unless it's a major flaw I couldn't see it affecting the boot. I have a few wonky stitches on my boot and absolutely nothing has come from it. They're work boots, not fashion boots like vibergs.
But I am going to stay with whites as Nicks turnaround time after mailing in measurements will just take way to long. So I am thinking of going with the packer as it looks to fit similar to my lone wolf farmer. I also feel like there is a lot of room around my toes in my SJ.
Denim Blunders, Reflections and General Nonsense.
in superdenim
This. Unless I'm walking into a breeze I'll do the middle button up. Might be different if I had a pair of ducks, to break up the denim. but feel it's a bit too much denim otherwise.