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Posts posted by Dogfarm
I bought the worn leather one this weekend. It looks good and fits all I need. When I get my camera back from the shop i will post pics.
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I say take the cost of hiring another sales rep and have the site built out and translated into Japanese. Or better yet, just hire a translator who will help post up on Yahoo! Auctions Japan to test the waters for a few pieces.
Here in Hawaii we have a store in Waikiki that has lots of vintage denim (according to Dogfarm they're overpriced) that sells really well to Japanese tourists.
Just a thought...
Hey! Some stuff was overpriced but not all, it is a great store with great staff. I would say 88 tees was my favorite store in waikiki. Very original and some great vintage levis and lees ranging from 90 bucks to 2700 dollars
Why is vintage Chuck so robot like. You write very serious, or am I the only one who gets this impression. If I worked with vintage denim all I would be overcome with everlasting joy. :P:P
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I am looking for one of those fine gauge knit caps that 45rpm makes. Does anyone have one who doesn't want one?
Also I have never seen one in person how big do they feel? My head is a 7 1/2 so I would need it to fit that. I guess I am curious on the size and the cost of them if anyone has been in the 45 rpm store lately and seen them, the japan webstore won't open for me. (not that I could buy off it but at least check the price)
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Should be the same thread that led to the Samurai contest. Chicken started it, afaik.
Edit: http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?t=15192
Ah yes the flathead guys, thank you I guess that is why i could not find it.
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Hey anyone have the link for that denim contest that japanese denim company had, between the owner, a factory stock guy, and a sales person. I think it was samurai or eternals .... I can't remember I did searching but could not find.
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i think the problem with front pocket fades isnt that theyre naturally ugly but that keeping the same item in the same position in the same pocket everyday for 6 months is in fact, unnatural.
ive only been into denim for the past 8 months or so and i can still remember how i used jeans before i even knew what dry denim was. i used my front pockets for both my wallet and my phone, but also anything else i needed that day.
i figure that if you regularly used your front pockets to hold your stuff and moved it all around on a daily basis then instead of getting outlines of your phone youd just end up fading your whole front lap area quicker, which might actually look pretty decent.
Gonna have to straight up disagree with you right there. I carry a cell phone, space pen, eye glass cloth, and chapstick in my pocket and there is an optimal spot where they always end up no matter how much I shift them around. I think others can attest to this.
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anyone here ride a bike? and if so do you ride in nice expensive denim? im scared to ride in my APCs and diors in the chance that i did go down they would be trashed, so i ride in my h&m or gap raws usually. is that silly?
It is silly. Ass skin is more important than denim. If I rode I would wear leather pants. Actually I am afraid of motorcycles. I think the idea of them is bad ass unfortunately I am chicken ass so I pedal bike but.... if I did gas bike I would wear the heaviest denim or leather pants.
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Those box style hats are not my style for my head I am only a cap type guy but wow!!! That hat is ridiculous, it is so hot who ever snags that is one lucky cat. Beautiful.
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This is a plug for Mil-Mil Milwaukee it is a great store and they ship international and the staff (mario) is friendly and easy to deal with. A good place to pic up canes for a pretty decent price and they ship pretty quick as well. Plus you don't have to be hella tight or a holla back girls to get a good deal from him .
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Hews and CMF hit the nail on the head with this one. I am also in the school of though that believes in washing your jeans when dirty. It makes sense to and there is zero reason not to. CFM also brings up a good point about fading. To get a good fade on your jeans your goal can't be "fade me jeans" but instead you must think "these are only jeans and so I can wear them doing what ever". Once you can let go of your denim you can really begin to fade your denim in a manner that is pleasing. I do this within reason, like if I know that I am going to be working with glues, solvents, oils I will wear a pair that maybe I have already accidentally stained or got glue all over but for the most part I justr wear my jeans all the time and then wash them when they get dirty.
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Also show pics where we can see the full leg and cut of the jean.
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I am a little surprised at the amount of people that hate cell phone fades or think that they get in the way of the rest of the denim fading.
One of the biggest attractions to denim for me is the honesty in the fabric. If my jeans are a reflection of my life and lifestyle then me having a cell phone in my pocket is a part of my life and should also be reflected in my denim. I suppose the counter to this argument is that many people out there go out of their way to fade denim unnaturally or put odd shaped things in their pockets to fade in certain patterns and thus denim can only be a reflection of the truth you choose to express.
Cell phones may be a fleeting part of the technology used by our society, Maybe there will be some new form of communication soon (such as the ansible like in the novel "The Left Hand of Darkness" ) I for one think that cell phone fades could be an interesting earmark of late 20th and early 21st century denim.
But that is just me, be true to your denim and let it tell your story.
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they actually break in pretty quick. These are mine after like a month of average wear, with a little trading with my eternals.
when i got them
OH NO!!!! Watchman your jeans tried to get away on you too?! This happened to me with a pair of 45 canes they can be big trouble when they are like that, must be tamed right away. Glad to see you tamed them watchman... phew.
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I owned a different jacket with Paclite goretex and Paclite goretex sucks. It breaks down very easily and has little abrasion resistance thus it does not take long (1-2 years) before you get wet spots in your jacket where the water gets through the goretex.
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I own both Mountain Hardware and Northface shells and fleeces. Both are comparable but the MH has a bit nicer style IMO. I have had a few of my thing warrantied by the North Face and their customer service is very good (if that is important to you) Two of my jackets were flat out replaced due after many years of hard wear (tree-planting, hiking, camping etc...) My face northface is the Ama dablam (i think that is how it is spelled) shell it is a s stretch goretex with full range motion arms fits very nice.
I like the arctyrex stuff but it is mega expensive and also I feel they have began to drop in quality since they were bought out by Solomon. Patagonia jackets have always exuded quality but again you pay for it. Bang for your buck are the MEC jackets they are cheap and good quality but ultra sparse and very utilitarian looking (but very good quality).
Mammut stuff is really great as well but they will break your bank and also be very hard to find.
From what you have said I would do a fleece and shell combo (not the kind that zip together though just have one of each) Pick up something in a nice 3 ply goretex (preferably stretch like the xcr stuff) . You actually don't even need the fleece and could just wear a heavy sweater under your shell and it would act like a fleece. If you do decide you NEED a fleece try and find a fleece/wool blend as they look a bit more stylish than straight fleece and hold their shape over time a bit better.
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OK here is a small question for this tiny tiny thread. Anyone know where to pic up W & H or spruce hoodies/clothing online? I have hunted around Edmonton with little to no luck. For a clothing line that is made only one province over from me it is surprisingly scarce.
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Did you buy those at Aloha Rag? I was looking at them and wishing they had my size.
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I am assuming the 47 canes are right beside the 45 canes yeah? So they are the newer canes without the arcurate on the back? I just wanted to clarify. Sorry to hear your bad news hope everything turns out.
If I am looking at the wrong thing and you have the 47 canes with arcurate intact I call dibs!
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Oh this post hurts. I am a 33 waist, and I like those jeans. :(.
I can't though my wife will kill me I have been buying too many jeans... those are so tempting! WHY! WHY! WHY!
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I've had too many zippers break on me, no matter how much I've tried to baby them. I have never had buttons on jeans pop on me (although those tin ones on my cheapie STFs are looking a bit suspect). And plus, those little round wear fades on the front look nice.
As for this thread, I think it's pretty pointless. I would love the equivalent of BiG or SE in Australia. Then I wouldn't have to gamble on whether or not the jeans I ordered from Japan are going to fit or not. Getting to have the jeans, in your hands, on the day you purchase them is worth a premium, IMO. I've lost too many things in the mail, had too many credit card authorisation stuff-ups (leaving me stranded on a date once, not being able to pay for a meal), and then there's the freaking waiting for it to come. I've walked into Another, tried on three pairs of Imperials, paid CASH and walked out the store wearing them. If I could do that for any number of Japanese jeans such as Samurai etc... piece of mind is worth a lot.
Dam I keep getting sucked into looking at this thread and it has yet to be locked. I totally agree with this post. I WISH there was a place like Self edge, Big, blue green, etc. Even in the same province I lived in. Unfortunately Edmonton, Alberta has no such place maybe some day.... I feel your pain of NEVER being able to try on the jeans I am buying. For that reason alone the next shopping trip my wife and I are planning is San Fransisco.
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Ok so I think I have heard just about enough of all your secret denim encounters with this elusive brand without having anyone show any pics!!! Show me some pics!!! I am curious enough I want to see some of these guys. :D:D
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I am always very impressed by those that decide to make their own jeans. Yours look very nice indeed good work.
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Yeah I will probably go for the roots bag as well and the price is decent on it. I just want something so my pockets are not packed out, but I want it to look decent as well.
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Self Edge x Iron Heart
in superdenim
How about opening a store in Edmonton for guys like Hewsinator, yet-fung, Dogfarm, Nole Anderson, etc........
I am kidding I can't wait to come see your place in person.