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Posts posted by snugglepony

  1. no tears.

    i assume it's the "lap" we're talking about?

    less than a month into my nudies, a friend literally dumped an entire glass of red wine in my lap...

    left the bar. got home. sink full of cool water w/ dr. bronner's. soak, then rinse the affected area, maybe a little rubbing of the stain w/ your hands. hang dry.

    not a problem. not noticable. deep breaths. paraphrase cheapmofo and ddml... "just jeans."

  2. Quote:

    This thread reminds me of "In the year 2000" on Late Night With Conan Obrien.

    --- Original message by JayKay on May 17, 2006 09:19 PM

    "Conan O' Brien will be pitied not be me as a fool, but by fools as a superfool."


    Edited by snugglepony on May 18, 2006 at 01:05 AM

  3. Quote:

    sorry for first caps

    --- Original message by DrugsAreBadMkay on May 17, 2006 03:56 PM

    good god. this is some serious OCD shit.

    kid, i'm not going to harp on you anymore... i'm just going to ignore it and feel sorry for you...

    answer your question by searching for horriblyjollyjinx's posts w/ the word samurai in them. you'll find several threads discussing the fits or with links to retailers' sites w/ measurements.

  4. Quote:

    please please please stop typing like that

    it is so fucking annoying

    you do that and i'll answer you

    --- Original message by asfberg on May 17, 2006 03:36 PM

    cosign. it's not like you're forgetting to turn off caps lock - you're, for some reason, expending actual energy to capitalize every. fucking. word.

    also, use the search button. i think horriblyjollyjinx has discussed the fits of various samurais in approximately 400 different threads...

  5. i'd suggest just making a phone call. they're super friendly, and if you just ask, "what brands of men's denim do you carry?" they'd probably list 'em.

    edit: and oh!, then post them here....

    Edited by snugglepony on May 17, 2006 at 11:02 AM

  6. Quote:

    ddml will find that denim really did destroy his life and become a born again rustler wearer.

    --- Original message by cheapmuthafukr on May 17, 2006 10:27 AM

    nah. denimdestroyedmylife will change his name to lastnightadenimsavedmylife and will become america's next top discoteque superstar.

    Edited by snugglepony on May 17, 2006 at 10:40 AM

  7. that denim is nuts. from the first few close up pictures, i thought it might be a broken twill... then in the photo w/ the turn-up, you can see just how crazy-irregular the weave is. i'd probably take the purple selvage arcuate off, but otherwise - wow.

  8. don't alter them. you can get away with tapering legs, but honestly, don't fuck with the waist, yoke, etc.

    i saw your post trying to sell your APCs a few days ago, and honestly, you're going to have trouble getting that price, esp. since everyone knows about the denimbar deal... why not put them up on ebay for, say, $110usd, and then buy a pair that fits from mauro? you'll take a bit of a loss, but your other options are a) have a pair of jeans that don't fit, so you never wear them, or B) pay a tailor at least $40 to fuck them up trying to turn 31s into 30s...

    good luck, dog.

  9. not familiar w/ nobody, and their site says their current collection is "going to be added soon."

    what's their deal?

    you will find a lot of people on this board, myself included, vouching for the sheer awesomeness of imperial's jeans, though...

    Edited by snugglepony on May 16, 2006 at 01:19 PM

  10. Quote:

    It's not going to shrink much at all.

    --- Original message by minya on May 16, 2006 07:37 AM

    not necessarily true.

    depending on the manufacturer and whether or not it's 'pre-shrunk,' you may lose at least a full size. american apparel shrinks like nobody's business, and even supposedly pre-shrunk shirts i've got from anvil or M&O have shrunk substantially.

    one thing to be careful of, wash-wise, is the graphic. depending on the quality of the screen, a hard, hot wash and a hot dry may affect it.

    good luck!

  11. Quote:

    Wow, those Somet raw jeans are my next pair. Those look awesome.

    --- Original message by Serge d Nimes on May 15, 2006 08:44 PM

    oh. and there's a black selvage pair, too...

    "Ecru stitching detail.

    13oz denim.

    Identical in silhouette and size to Basic MenÂ's Straight Jeans.

    Black selvage.

    Seven additional details.

    Tilted center back belt loop for easier use.

    Dyed to the core of the fiber to emphasize black.

    Use of fine slub yarn for a more sophisticated look."

    yes, please. now where do i get that extra $210...?

  12. so, when sf went down for those ten or so days in april, the 'we're broken' message mentioned that in addition to fixing the current problems, the forum software would be changed/updated at some point soon. is that still going to happen?

  13. Quote:

    nuts to overlocking.

    that's probably my favorite part about my imperials, next to the fit... everything felled or turned in - zero serging.

    --- Original message by snugglepony on May 10, 2006 01:06 PM

    ive seen a pair but never thought to look inside.

    what exactly is different between imperial and other brands like diesel, true religion etc.

    i mean with the sewing

    --- Original message by jane doe on May 15, 2006 12:16 AM

    hi jane,

    well, you know what overlock stitching is, right? (if not, just look at serge's signature photo - the outseam on the right is half-selvage, half-overlocked)

    non-selvage jeans will obviously have overlocking on the outseam, but a lot of companies also use overlocking to finish the fabric edges on the inseam, fly, and sometimes even the yoke. it's easier and cheaper to sew the seam and then overlock it than it is to "fell" all the seams. felling basically involves folding the fabric edges over on themselves and then sewing the seam, providing the nice clean look visible in denimdestroyedmylife's picture above. felling also adds strength.

    a lot of the brands people on this board really appreciate put more effort into the quality of materials and construction than they do into the extreme finishes &c. of diesel and/or true religion. details like felled seams, hidden rivets, bartacking, sewing the selvage outseam all the way up to the waistband (a la imperial), chainstitching throughout -- they're indicative of a real committment to quality construction, and a lot of sfers appreciate that.

    next time you're at a shop that sells imperials or the sugarcane hawaii's, take a look at the inside finishing and compare it to the diesels or pd&c or sevens on the next rack and you'll see the difference.

  14. Quote:

    Adamantium buttons and rivets! Honestly though titanium rivits and buttons would be rad. New Standard / Dior type fit, natural indigo. Super heavy weight selvedge niceness. Plain back pockets. No visible logos etc...

    --- Original message by TragicBliss on May 15, 2006 09:29 AM

    titanium rivets would be fully rad. i wonder, though - don't rivets need to be made of a pretty soft metal? so that one head deforms under pressure and locks the rivet in place?

    nevertheless - sweet idea.

  15. Quote:

    If you take a look at the inside of regular pair of jeans you'll see all the fell seams are double stitched - with chainstitching machines. This is a a machine which turns the fabric over and double stitches the fell all in one process.

    If you look at those 'Canes - you will see only one stitch on the underside of the felled denim. This indicates that the fell seams have been single stitched then folded together by hand and then edged stitched. A much, much longer process.

    On the yoke and crotch, you'll still see a double row of stitching on the outside - and another giveaway is that the stitches on the double row don't run identically parallel stitch for stitch.

    It's a detail that you won't find even in the most expensive jeans. It's a 'homemade' way of doing fell seams, that's totally not viable for large production. It's amazing that Sugarcane went to the trouble.

    --- Original message by ringring on May 14, 2006 11:47 PM

    thanks r^2!

    always great to learn something new...

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