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Posts posted by snugglepony

  1. if you've got two pairs on the way, i propose an experiment:

    baby one of them and beat the shit out of the other.

    i, for one, would love to see the difference, especially from someone who's outside actually working in their jeans.

  2. Quote:

    i hope i will find my YOUTH OF TODAY - GO VEGETARIAN shirt (withe the cow)!!!!

    i miss it since some weeks... :(

    --- Original message by sXXXe on May 24, 2006 02:13 PM

    i had the youth of today shirt with the singer jumping (basically the album cover shot) when i was in highschool. i have no idea what happened to it...
  3. ddml:

    to find the black model on their site, click on "power push" (hunh? i know...) from the menu in the upper left. the black model, along with an indigo model made from a heavier denim (14.5oz instead of 13.8oz), are in there.

    watch for a PM with final cost breakdown (it's going to hurt me just to type it...).

  4. heads up, superfriends:

    i just bit the bullet and ordered a pair of SOMETs in raw black selvage. t-shirt sales were off the nut last month, so i've got some bonus money to spend...

    you thought getting some imperials was challenging? while the SOMET guys are very quick to respond to emails, are very helpful about sizing, and speak remarkably good english, well, you have pay via a wire transfer to their bank account.

    hello paperwork! hello shit-tons of fees!

    all signs point to these jeans being worth the effort/cost, however.

    rest assured i'll post copious amounts of pictures when they arrive, probs by the middle of next week...

  5. Quote:


    thank you for all the plusses, it is really rewarding to see superfuture posters (who in i.m.o. are the true fashion police of the world) appreciate the work. As for the minus, my website was basically a look and concept book for our potential buyers and boutique owners. We wanted to convey to buyers that my brand isn't just an aesthically pleasing brand, but a brand that was educated in every aspect, even educated to why we chose our name sling&stones. We also wanted to be a brand that caters to the growing number of educated consumers.

    Sling&Stones is a name based off of the biblical story of david and goliath. How david overcame an extremely impossible odds by slaying a giant with a sling and stone.

    One of the reasons why we chose Sling&Stones as a brand identity was because being based out Seattle (one of the black holes of fashion) we felt like we were little fry compared to NY and L.A based brands. Seattle is known for Eddie Bauer and... Tommy Bahama.. yay. and also because of the fact that in Seattle... there are absolutely no denim sourcing agents, no competent sewing contractors, no laundries, no showrooms, no sales reps, nothing. . . . and also, i graduated last year with a mechanical engineering degree and had to learn about the textile industry in 4 months... and learned how to sew in 2 weeks.... so yeah, we do feel like david's taking down the goliath that is fashion... ... ..

    so all in all, we want to provide a product that educated consumers can be proud about, let it be being sustainable and organic, construction, highest quality materials used, or brand identity..... and to the consumers who don't care; a really good looking and comfortable piece of clothing.

    sorry about my little novel i just wrote... i'm leaving for l.a. in about 5 hours and i really am bored... now if i can just figure out how to post pictures....

    --- Original message by ilovespaz on May 24, 2006 12:04 AM

    no no, thanks for the novel, man. it's always awesome to get a little more insight into the brands and products we blow our $$ on!

    and living in portland (seattle's better looking, but even more disadvantaged little sister...) i can certainly appreciate the symbolism &c. of choosing the david story. i guess i just have a pretty sensitive cringe-meter when certain phrases are trotted out, i.e. "the living god." if i'm going to drop $200+ on a pair of jeans, i don't want $10 or $5 or even $.01 of that getting funneled to some organization that wants to close down planned parenthood or pass the federal marriage amendment, get me?

    that said, i hope you can get your line into a shop down here, 'cause i'd love to see it in person. you should get in touch with blake (http://www.loveblake.com/home/flash.html). he'll probably stock it.

    Edited by snugglepony on May 24, 2006 at 09:16 AM

  6. <u>plusses:</u>

    awesome committment to sustainability

    quality materials

    good cuts (looks like)

    great finishes

    nice, subtle detailing (esp. that yoke)


    i like my denim sans jesus, "the living god," or any other proselytizing (regardless of theology).

    never has "just jeans" been more appropriate...

  7. Quote:

    please dont be a moron.

    sorry if that offends, but i'm tired of hearing saying stuff that doesnt need to be said, or thinking up some weird ass thing to say, just because.

    --- Original message by backinthetrees on May 23, 2006 05:39 PM

    please. calling me a moron isn't helping your case.

    my point is that resurrecting any one of the extant "i spilled something on my expensive pants" threads is a better option. there was a thread last week about some dude messing up his imperials... add to it! keep it in one thread so if someone sheds some new light on the subject (doubtful, but still) it's easier to find some comprehensive information later via the search button. this is the reason that threads get locked, moved or deleted -- because redundancy doesn't actually help anyone looking for an informative discussion.

    lastly, don't even front on my guilin chili x sriracha collabo. it's so rare that wit and deliciousness come together on this board...

    EDIT: i take it all back. even though we took a retarded path to get here, this thread now officially rules.

    Edited by snugglepony on May 24, 2006 at 07:08 PM

  8. first and foremost, given the current financial sitch...

    triumvirate of cheap beers:

    1.) miller high life

    2.) pabst blue ribbon

    3.) budweiser

    in a perfect world,

    given my druthers:

    1.) grain belt premium

    2.) anchor steam liberty

    3.) bitburger pils

    4.) shiner bock

    5.) [i live in oregon. i can sneeze and accidentally drink spectacular beer...]

  9. Quote:

    i always wonder why some people get that sort of stacked look at the back of the knees as opposed to the more honeycomb criss-cross type of look that we all know so well. it seems to be most prevalent with nudies. is this because of the thickness of the denim? because they have stretch? what's the deal?

    --- Original message by jeffvyain on May 22, 2006 05:34 PM

    i think you're partly right vis a vis the stretch...

    the jeans are so slim-fitting, even behind the knees, that there's not enough extra fabric for anything but horizontal creasing when the knees are bent. with a bit of stretch woven into the denim, the jeans can be this tight and still be somewhat comfortable.

  10. while the majority of the dr. bronner's label is up on some cuckoo shit, there's one piece of advice on there that you should definitely heed if you're using it in the shower: "dilute, dilute, dilute."

    it's a mild soap in solution (as a bath, or for laundering your jeans), but rubbing it undiluted onto your skin is pretty harsh. it'll dry your skin out and it's just wasteful -- you can still get a great lather when it's diluted 3 to 1...

  11. helvetia - the clever north wind

    wilderness - wilderness

    band of horses - everything all the time

    citay - citay

    clipd beaks - preyers

    duo505 - late

    arvo part - tabula rasa

    ghostface - fishscale

    loose fur - born again in the usa

    john cale's first five albums

    mclusky's second and third albums

    gnarls barkley - st. elsewhere

    the band - ass't mixtape

    champs - III, IV, V

  12. Quote:

    it would be really helpfull if someone could condense the jean fit discussion on this forum. can someone hook it up with a review of all of the fits (old and new) with what type of cut they have.





    new standard




    im pretty sure i missed a couple. it would help a lot of new denim head, or someone not familiar with APC (ahem, me), with buying APCs if they were able to quickly find what type of fit they want.

    -later days.

    --- Original message by prufrock on May 19, 2006 08:44 AM

    their naming scheme is ridiculous. the style names in their catalog/website don't match the tags on their products (exception being the new standard) which is pretty confusing. someone might correct me here, but this is my understanding:

    tag = style

    cure = narrow jeans

    new cure = slim denim

    hipster = womens jeans / low rise jeans

    rescue = straight jeans

    new standard = new standard jeans

    they're all pretty much unisex.

    standard is now a defunct style, as is the bootcut.

    Edited by snugglepony on May 19, 2006 at 09:10 AM

  13. ionic air purifiers emit dangerous levels of ozone when they're constricted (i.e. in a bathroom with the door shut). i wouldn't recommened covering it up with a leg of your jeans, especially when hanging them up outside works just as well. unless you want to create smog inside your own home for, you know, kitsch value.

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