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Posts posted by snugglepony

  1. yesterday afternoon i was walking back to the office with a friend of mine after lunch. we passed a restaurant with outdoor seating, and there's a dude sitting down with his girlfriend. i noticed he was wearing a pair of nudies (still very rare in portland; only the second pair i've seen) and as i walked past him, dude fully rubbernecks to check out my APCs. not checking out my ass, mind you, but checking out my jeans. the thing is, i'm totally guilty of doing the same thing, and i imagine i must look like a desperately oversexed gay man to anyone who happens to notice me doing it -- not exactly the look i'm going for, knowhati'msayin'?

    anyone else notice this phenomenon?

  2. props for using modal... i'd love it if more t-shirt makers would use 100% modal or at least a blend.




    soft or not, though, there's no way in hell i'd ever pay that much for a t-shirt.

  3. they don't look very worn at all, and there's not much creasing. i'd hold off.

    re: your starching... hang them up in the bathroom or wherever, spray starch all over the backs of the knees and the lap. let them hang for 15 minutes or so, then put them on, walk around the house a bit, and sit down on your couch and watch a movie. you will certainly have set creases when the credits roll..

  4. i need to know how to post photos with a mac. i thought this would be the only forum where no one would give me shit for it ... thanks

    it shouldn't have anything to do with whether you're on a mac or a pc... you just need to have your photos hosted on a webserver somewhere, either your own, or through an image-hosting service like imageshack. then, follow ddml and cmf's advice.

  5. anything by:

    john fowles

    andre dubus

    mavis gallant

    charles d'ambrosio

    raymond carver

    john cheever

    most don delillo

    most philip roth

    jo ann beard's the boys of my youth

    jonathan franzen's the corrections

    roald dahl's adult stories (but the kid stuff is great, too)

    harry potter forever.

  6. just remembered another one from last year: searching for the wrong-eyed jesus.

    oh my god what a beautiful film. jim white narrates an amazing documentary about fanatical pentecostalism, music and economic depression in the modern american south. harry crews (read him), handsome family (listen up), and others appear as themselves.

  7. first: everything jonboy said is technically on point, but there's no need to get snotty. numero needs to get schooled on some bio-basics, but calling him stupid isn't likely to help him retain anything you just said.

    second (and most important, because it pertains to me): the pocket rivet on my left hip of my imperials has started to kinda dig into my skin and irritate it... i did my best with a tack hammer to round off the edges, but it's still a bit bothersome - i'm curious if it's likely to get infected, especially after a few more months of wear w/o a wash...

  8. apparently one of the director's previous effort, in the mood for love, is better and i have been meaning to catch it for a year or two now.

    oh man. jim...

    i can't believe you watched 2046 without having seen in the mood for love, especially since 2046 is a bit of an alternate-universe-sequel to it. regardless, do yourself a favor and see it soon (while you're at it, just rent all of wong kar wai's films); the picture virtually defines the word 'smoldering.' not to mention that tony leung's wardrobe is about as superfuture as possible...

  9. Haha. Hardly. There are plenty of Western movies that move at slow, meandering paces. Quite a few of them I've enjoyed myself, actually.

    malick anyone?

  10. i can't cosign on the dryer because i've never tried it, but soaking your jeans doesn't do much but shrink them a little. remember, it's not the water that alters the denim and/or indigo, it's the agitation. you'll lose some starch/sizing in the soak, but in my experience, they always come out pretty freaking stiff once they dry.

  11. unless it's a basement operation, a screen printer will have a minimum order and a relatively substantial screen set-up fee. the cost of printing one shirt would be ridiculously expensive. spread the cost out over 24 shirts, though, and it's not bad at all.

    if you're thinking about doing this on a regular basis, you might consider buying a home screening kit.

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