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Posts posted by snugglepony

  1. thinking about it... i do love me some rrl...
    new pair of RRL jeans coming in the mail today... two RRL western shirts to pick up from the tailor tomorrow...

    super high quality + big supply on ebay + low overstock prices = favorite brand at the moment...

  2. goddard was the future

    now it's ribery

    speaking truth, there, azad. god bless fuckface franck.

    [confidential to jessica: come back, honey. daddy wants you to come home.]

  3. Ha. No, it wasn't the "loose ends" that bothered me, it was the pointlessness of so much of the film... so many scenes were unnecessary; even the voyeur tapes themselves were pretty much unnecessary, given the "point" of the film. Nor did I find the movie 'suspenseful' in the least. I really could not have cared less about the French and Algerian situation/tension/history prior to seeing Cache, and my opinion was unchanged after seeing the film.

    we'll have to agree to disagree, i guess :)

    re: the french/algerian situation - have you seen the battle of algiers? i saw it just before the abu ghraib photos were released a few years ago, which was a little unreal...

  4. I saw "Cache" today. Sucked ass. What a French film, and I mean that in the most pejorative way.

    sounds like someone needs all his loose ends tied up neatly for him...


    it was, however, the best movie i've seen thus far this year. (also, haneke's not french, he's austrian.)

    seriously, min, reading this might help you put things together a bit (don't read this if you haven't seen the movie): http://www.plume-noire.com/movies/reviews/hidden.html

  5. you know one of the reprocution of this thread is that one day when you offend some one on the internet, they will search all the post you did and use it against you right?

    yes. one day i'll lose out on that promotion (or maybe be denied housing) on the basis of my film, music and clothing preferences... <doing!>

    all answers pertinent in this - and only this - moment in the superfuture:

    1. real genius

    2. the donkeys

    3. all gone

    4. somet

    5. spruce l/s via sarno (thx!) and/or RRL western

    6. one of several paper-thin vintagers

    7. vans slips, chucks, 574s

    8. nyc

    9. ebay

    10. the ones w/ my prescription in 'em

    big lebowski t shirt
    the kaoru betto raglan?
  6. just out of curiousity, is INFO not returning emails anymore? it took a few tries, but ordering directly worked for a lot of people on this board, myself included...

  7. new or used? i like some of the older steel-framed fujis from the 80s and early 90s. you can definitely pick one up cheap, too...

    in general, if you have less than ~$1000 to spend on a bike, buy something that's 5 years old and gently used. it'll blow away an off-the-rack fuji (or specialized or giant or cannondale etc. etc.).

  8. no offense, but stop thinking about this on your own, because you don't seem to know what you're talking about. the only reason you should be thinking about shorter cranks is if you're converting a road frame to a fixed gear and the bottom bracket height is too low... buying 160mm cranks is not going to change the fact that the frame is too big for you. find a consignment and/or used bike shop with mechanics that you trust, let them know what you're looking for, and wait for the phone call saying "hey, we got something in about your size."

  9. if you're going to wear tevas (or chacos or whateverthefuck kinda outdoorsy man-sandals you prefer), just do it when you're camping and wearing cargo shorts and leave it at that. don't post pictures, please.

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