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Posts posted by snugglepony

  1. Quote:

    whatever dude

    it's called being too busy to even pay attention

    p.s. look deep enough and most people will write chinese

    --- Original message by FGuru on Jun 13, 2006 11:03 AM

    90% of your posts are hocking/pimping cheap monday.

    the not-so-subtle "have you guys heard of this hot new brand cheap monday?" bullshit isn't going to fly around here. you're a cheap monday rep? awesome! give us some fucking credit and tell us about upcoming releases, retail locations, etc., because we'd actually be interested.

    no one's going to fall for your wack-ass underhanded marketing.

  2. after alexbigman (aka fashionxcore suburban tuff guy) posted his olas, i'd like to avoid anything that he allies himself with...

    that said, it'd definitely still pick up some nudies at a good price point. i'd never pay $265 or whatever for rrds, but i'd definitely get some slim jims if they were on sale for maybe $100-$125.

  3. Quote:

    I hang mine with clip hangers at the waist so they stay pretty much in the same shape as when they're on my body. The "denim" section of my closet has this crazy "funk" to it with all these unwashed jeans hanging next to eachother.


    --- Original message by TragicBliss on Jun 13, 2006 09:32 AM

  4. Quote:


    neg i'm mint

    --- Original message by alexbigman on Jun 12, 2006 11:59 AM

    that is the sort of face i'd pay good money to see given the fire extinguisher treatment (a la irreversible).
  5. aah - i see. you wanted to buy both buy you could only afford one.

    ryu - what are those boots you're wearing on the wjk page? they look amazing! do you have more pictures?

  6. Quote:


    thanx pics !!!!!!!! i envy you.......

    i do really want it !! white beautiful stitch,good designed top button,nice cut etc

    that is Ellegant !

    maybe i'll buy next

    --- Original message by Ryu on Jun 10, 2006 09:09 AM

    hi ryu - thank you!

    i was hoping you would post in this thread... did you mention that you have a pair of indigo sométs that you found for $100? if so, please post pictures! icon_smile_tongue.gif

  7. Quote:

    (and the band was pretty cool too)

    --- Original message by cultpop 0217 on Jun 9, 2006 02:44 PM

    i'm amazed you know that band...

    when i was a little junior high skate rat they actually played the coffee shop near my hometown in bumfuck, minnesota. super nice guys, too.

    Edited by snugglepony on Jun 9, 2006 at 02:51 PM

  8. Quote:

    what's really funny about somet is that it seems like japan's attempt to repro euro-style denim.

    for instance, the word for "dye" is not "somet," but "so-me" (pronounced, "so-may"). the only way to make "somet" sound like "some" is to pronounce it in french--giving it a real european touch.

    --- Original message by mizanation on Jun 9, 2006 08:25 AM

    not sure about their desire to reproduce euro-style denim, but the brand is certainly spelled SOMÉT (with the accent on the E)... pronunciation aid + a little euro flair?
  9. i was told that they weren't sanforized... but they didn't really shrink at all, so?

    we'll see what happens when i eventually hand wash 'em.

    in general, i feel like a short soak is a good insurance policy, regardless of whether your denim is supposedly sanforized or not. if there's no agitation, there's really no discernible change in the texture of the denim post-soak, and you're not losing anything but a little sizing and the length you'll lose after washing anyway...

  10. serge and ddml - i take it you guys weren't able to find them at barney's or ROLO SF?

    LFC4ever has an indigo pair coming via xcoldricex (who's apparently able to get them somewhere), and after my experience w/ jamie su of somet, i can definitely recommend ordering directly from them also (despite the wire transfer hassle).

    good luck in your procurement efforts!

  11. ok, here are some photos of them on me. excuse the janky photoshop levels adjustment - it's dark out and this is all the time i've got. the color you see isn't accurate, but you can get a pretty good idea of the fit.




  12. Quote:

    never wash your jeans. all the dirt paint blood and whatever else on your jeans tells a story.

    well. wash them if there is something immensly gross. but does anyone agree on not washing your jeans and leting your jeans tell a story

    --- Original message by drugfreevegan on Jun 7, 2006 03:07 PM

    you should check out the "dude with the crazy sugarcanes" thread - good discussion about washing regularly vs. not washing. great results are possible either way, depending on how you're wearing them.
  13. i worked as a messenger for 3 years.

    riding a fixie is a lot of fun, and being able to control not just your acceleration but your deceleration by adjusting your cadence is seriously empowering - it's really an amazing melding of man and machine, with almost instantaneous response time from physical input to mechanical output. that all presupposes that your bike is dialed and that you, as a rider, have a clue. i've seen countless idiots on track bikes to score cool points come inches from seriously hurting themselves or someone else.

    personally, even though i'm super comfortable on track bikes, i'd never ride one without at least a front brake for emergencies. cadence braking and skid-stopping are fine for most situations, but riding in the city you probably need some backup...

  14. Quote:

    Snugglepony is a herb.

    --- Original message by Airjamie on Jun 6, 2006 04:09 PM

    best shut your herb before i pull out my herb and motherfucking herb all over all your herb.

    and your little dog, too.

    Edited by snugglepony on Jun 6, 2006 at 04:41 PM

  15. Quote:

    Did they shrink when you soaked them?

    --- Original message by minya on Jun 4, 2006 08:04 PM

    lost maybe 1cm in length (probs closer to 5mm) after an hour-long room temperature soak. nothing noticeable in the waist.

    wearing them for the first time today... will post pics with them later this week when i've got some more time.

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