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Posts posted by snugglepony

  1. great thread - great timing...

    i met with a local designer yesterday to talk about doing a pair of custom jeans. he pulled out a box of denim card samples from his distributor and we started to go through them. they were marked with the mill name, fabric content, weight, and a few other random style numbers. the samples were cut with a pinking shears, and none of them showed a selvage, but we couldn't be sure which samples were from shuttle looms and which weren't. i found some really, really nice samples of a 14oz kaihara indigo denim. i assumed it was a selvage denim because it was super slubby, and had a very irregular weave. it was a very dark indigo (i scraped at a corner of the sample to test how it would wear/fade and got that telltale royal blue coming through).

    took the samples home to browse a little more and looked more closely at those seemingly random numbers on the sample cards -- they were bolt widths, and none of the samples were under 55" wide, basically eliminating the possibility that they were shuttle-loomed denim with selvage.

    i'd been really hoping to get a selvage pair of jeans made, but the quality of these samples made it pretty obvious to me that denim can be of an extraordinarily high quality and not be shuttle-loomed...

    Edited by snugglepony on May 4, 2006 at 09:57 AM

  2. sealline makes some roll-down dry bags with backpack style straps. i use their (now-discontinued) guide pack for hiking in and out of my favorite surf spots with wetsuit, gear, etc., but it's probably way too big for your application.

    one of the smaller boundary packs might work out really well for you on your bike:


    also check out ortlieb, although their stuff is kinda overpriced and i think the only backpack style bag they make is a big messenger bag.

  3. my pleasure, hotcakes.

    below are a few photos of some cheap levis i had repaired in the crotch - basically, a tailor will place a small piece of a similar denim inside, then ziz-zag over the tear and the patch, integrating the two.


  4. the other lesson would be: learn the value of a good tailor.

    if you want your repair to hold up, take it to a professional - a whip-stitch with mom's sewing kit is not going to cut it, and a tailor won't charge you any more than $10 or $15.

  5. i can't wear the same pair each and every day either.

    i rotate through about 4 or 5 pairs, wearing each for a week or so at a time. (this means they'll all get their first wash sometime between 2008 and 2010... bwah!)

    wearing them every day just means they break in faster, not better; take your time and don't fuck with your personal style just to be able to post photos of your jeans here...

  6. Quote:

    I believe the brand is called Denim Birds. Same designers as for Nudie Jeans but this is their female collection sort of..

    --- Original message by Tito on Apr 26, 2006 10:34 AM

    no, those are not denimbirds.

    pocket stitching for denimbirds looks like this:


  7. just got back from LA last week... went to the HTC at fred segal in santa monica looking to get a pair of new standards. i called them a day or two before i left town, asking if they had a full range of sizes, and they said "yes, all sizes." got down there and all they've got are 25, 26, and 27s in cure, hipster, rescue and NS...




    got home, called mauro at denim bar on monday, wore my new jeans out on thursday night (they actually arrived on wednesday, but i wasn't home to sign for them)... $25 cheaper than HTC's retail, awesome service - i'd recommend mauro to anyone interested in picking up a pair.

  8. Quote:

    Without guns, I don't think anyone could argue that there would actually be LESS deaths.

    This is not a statement that can be proven by means of comparison. Sure, there are less gun related deaths in other countries, but name one other country that compares in any way to the USA that would lend itself to a useful and valid comparison. Do you know how many people were hacked to death in Rwanda with Chinese made machetes? I do.

    --- Original message by damnIam on Apr 25, 2006 12:54 PM

    i would be pretty comfortable arguing that point, actually.

    tossing up the "name one other country that compares in any way to the USA..." justification is a straw man, though - you're automatically disqualifying any comparison someone might make!

    guns are meant to kill people efficiently, and they do a really good job of it. are people always going to kill other people? of course. will eliminating a cheap, easy and effective way to kill people [guns] reduce the number of violent deaths? i'm comfortable with a qualified 'yes.'

    lastly, congratulations on choosing to rent hotel rwanda. it was a great movie. imagine how many more tutsis would have been killed if the hutus had kalashnikovs available to them. next time you're at the video store, i also recommend lord of war - a real eye-opener vis a vis the international small arms trade.

  9. hm.

    they don't have a leather patch, if that's what you mean?

    the, uh, denim, is made out of cotton and as we all know, cotton gins have killed many farmworkers in horrible accidents over the years... not to mention all those disfigured in the foundries extracting the copper ore to make those rivets...

    you can take any absolutist ideology to ridiculous extremes, so i guess it's all about what you're comfortable with.

  10. Quote:

    Eggers is great, his book of short stories, How We Are Hungry is really good, as is the American Nonrequired Reading anthology he edits

    Edited by doctorgnar on Apr 11, 2006 at 12:25 PM

    --- Original message by doctorgnar on Apr 11, 2006 12:24 PM

    ^^ co-sign.

    "up the mountain coming down slowly" and "after i was thrown in a river and before i drowned" from how we are hungry both blew me away.

  11. Quote:

    NEWBIES? That's one of the gayest things I've ever heard.

    Sorry I can't help you.

    --- Original message by SENDkylHISPASSWORD on Apr 10, 2006 12:23 PM

    i am in such complete and total agreement with you on this one. "newbies" = gaytardo montalban.

    if that term takes off, i will officially flush 10yrs of rocking new balance down the toilet and only wear vans (which at least you can't abbreviate, right?).

  12. if my choices were death or wearing true religions, i suppose i'd wear them then...

    the only uglier jeans are antik IMO.

    pd&c are a little ubiquitous, but there's really nothing offensive about them. some decent detailing, too, w/ single needle stitching, nice ring-ring denims, etc... just go for the most subtle of their washes.

    there is just a ridiculous amount of information about much better denim (at about the same prices) on this board, though - explore threads and find something you like.

  13. Quote:
    Quote: However I haven't checked hollywood trading company but I doubt they will carry the jeans. I don't see APC selling jeans here in LA since it is the home of the distressed boot cut jean

    Please... L.A. has style. You just aren't looking in the right spots. You have to hunt for what you want. That's half the fun.

    Anyway, don't listen to this guy. Hollywwod Trading Co. at Fred Segal in Santa Monica has a full size run of pretty much every style of A.P.C. as well as Juian Red, Nudie, etc. Good luck.

    --- Original message by TragicBliss on Apr 9, 2006 11:41 AM

    thanks tragic - HTC was my best guess, too, esp. 'cause that guy posts here somewhat regularly. depending on prices, i may end up just trying things on to get my size dialed in and then ordering from mauro...


  14. quick question:

    where in L.A.'s got the best prices / full size range of APCs? looking for new standards, probs, and i'll be there next weekend.

    i realize that apc.fr has stockists listed, but they don't post phone numbers and i'd rather avoid googling and calling 14 different places with clueless sales clerks...

    thanks in advance!

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