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SuperMeetup NYC


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anyone got a recommendation for a cut at a fair price in manhattan. Someone good enough that i can bring in a picture and have them do a reasonable job at recreating it.. but wont cost a shitload either.

im prepared to pay around $50-60

every time I went to this place I always liked my cut:


it's run by a gay jewish guy who is real cool and knows what he is doing.

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anyone got a recommendation for a cut at a fair price in manhattan. Someone good enough that i can bring in a picture and have them do a reasonable job at recreating it.. but wont cost a shitload either.

im prepared to pay around $50-60

Yo jeep told me about your rooftop barbecues. I love barbecuing, I would like to use your roof and make hamburgers for you and friends, please

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you can make my hamburger hohoho

ive been to hair kuwayama, hairmates, and a few other places in that range and while im usually happy ive never been THRILLEDDD

maria mok is supposed to be the shit though, was gonna go last cut but was too stupid to book an appointment

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Fashion Night Out at Barneys New York:

September 10, 2009 the store will be open until 11pm. The designer floor will have some PA's:

Thom Browne. (6-7)

Adam Kimmel (7-9)

Kris Van Asche (TBA)

The Olsen Twins (9-10)

Come for the booze. Come for the fashunz. Come for the people-watching. Come again... and its and orgy!

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