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Samurai Jeans 5th Year Anniversary Feeler Thread

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My S0500XXs I owned. A little reference for you guys

Size 33x36 Lot.12 (SD2)


waist: 34 / 32,5

front rise: 11,25 / 10,75

back rise: 15,5 / 15

thigh: 13 / 12,75

knee: 9,5 / 9,125

leg opening: 8,75 / 8,25

inseam: 38,25 / 36,5

Size 34x36 Lot.11 (SD1)


waist: 34,5 / 34

front rise: 11,75 / 11

back rise: 15,75 / 15

thigh: 13,25 / 12,75

knee: 9,75 / 9,25

leg opening: 8,75 / 8,5

inseam: 38,5 / 36,5

Size 33x36 Lot.10 (SD2)

I had these hemmed before the soak so leg opening measurement is a bit bigger. Although I didn't take all measurements. Sorry


waist: 33 / 31

front rise: - / 10,75

back rise: - / 15,5

thigh: 13 / 13

knee: 9,5 / 9,

leg opening: 9 / 8,5

inseam: 35 / 33,25

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Hey Tilmann, would you kindly add leyori to the back-up list? Thanks a lot!

^Indeed, I expect a shrinkage between 1-2" from the raw size, so that they shrink to tagged size, give and take a bit. And with consistent wear, they should stretch back, maybe almost unto raw state, if they're pushed hard. But this is not what I would recommend.

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Like I said earlier, a total exact prognose will be hard, depending on the different lot characterstics. But I am almost 100% sure, that the inseam will be at least 36-36,5" post-soak. So yes, around 2" seem likely. LVC for example shrink more than Samurais in general.

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Just to increase the excitement, I took these lines from the BiG site:

"About Samurai's Texas Cotton Denim:

The S0500XX uses 100% Texas cotton which is famous for being a "rough" cotton due to it's high amount of short fibers. Normally, the short fibers are removed to make a smoother fabric, but Samurai adds more short cotton fibers to make the yarn even rougher. The result is a yarn that is highly uneven in size, making the woven fabric very "slubby" (irregular). Moreover, while most jean manufacturers mix different cottons from various areas, Samurai uses only 100% Texas cotton in the S0500XX. Even the thread is made of 100% Texas cotton. This creates a jean that captures the essence and spirit of this tough Texas denim.

Like all Samurai jeans, the S0500XX uses 100% pure indigo with no fillers, using the maximum amount of indigo that the yarn can hold. Weighing in at 15 ounces, Samurai also maximized the tension of the weave, so that after washing, the denim actually becomes even more stiff and the weave even tighter. This is the first time Samurai has done this, resulting in a jean with unprecedented "atari" (fading). "

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^no...well a 29 maybe but a "normal" size +31-32 they pretty much are a straight cut imo!

Cuffs it is...

Yeah, well thats what sucks, it is literally a skinny cut if you go with a 30 and down. I mean if the L.O. shrinks about .5" that is a 7.25" leg opening on the 29, which would mean it is a pretty skinny cut. You know what I am going to have these hemmed but enough so they will stack. All my other jeans are straight leg jeans so when stacked they don't look as good.

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So where are we getting the jeans from? Can we go and buy them from wherever and whenever? Or is this package thing being set up with a shop..

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Indeed, we will announce it soon, maybe in the upcoming week. but unfortunately you "must" buy the pair from the sponsor which is a professional store). Yet, if everything works out the way we planned, it will definitely be worth it and come with good arguments not to get the jeans elsewhere.

(and even b_f buys the same pair a second time, to be in the contest!)

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alright cool - thanks for quick reply. so like, paypal/email/google-translate/etc i'm guessing?

also, i'm still debating on picking a 34 or a 35 (going from BIG's measurements).. i'm in the process of slowly getting rid of my beer gut and i want a pair that will fit me a year from now..

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3. The S0500 cut is very versatile and can be worn slim, straight and oversized

The possible contestants so far.

Preliminary list

1. beautiful_FrEaK - 34

2. MaxPower - 34

3. laxlife1234

4. riff - 30

5. obbigood - 32

6. kayodic - 26/27/28 ;)

7. jimmyc

8. scasi - 32

9. jigsaw - 32

10. TheNorthern - 31


cool.... i have 3 different sizes... so which fit do you want me to pull off guys? super slim straight or slim straight or hip hop hooray straight fit or all 3? :D

surprise me T! i trust your Samurai knowledge so you better get me the right jeans (++)

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