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Duke Mantee

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Everything posted by Duke Mantee

  1. No easy answer mate - they always like to push certain aspects of quality … but re-issues are fairly random, everything has to fit to the ideas for any particular collection
  2. Duke Mantee


    all hand cut and hand stitched
  3. Duke Mantee


    Earth tones 🤬
  4. Duke Mantee


    That looks pretty good mate 👌
  5. Duke Mantee


    I stuck this up on Instagram, so I may as well repeat it here:
  6. Duke Mantee


    😂 … although that’s some dodgy arithmetic: 100 x 0 ≠ 12
  7. Duke Mantee


    12 belts in about 3 months isn’t exactly prolific 😂
  8. Guitar strap Tuscan milled leather, lambskin, steel hardware, turquoise gems
  9. Bracelet 2 layers of overdyed washed horsehide sandwiching some crust calfskin finished with a silver concho
  10. One wash doesn’t shrink - tightens after washing then loosens. The denim stretches pretty much like most denim … it all depends on how much force is applied to it
  11. https://freewheelers.co.jp/about/brand/great_lakes.html This is (briefly) what the Great Lakes sub brand is about. It’s a fairly wide ranging idea, but if you dig a little you’ll start to understand the concepts and even the garment construction which is often quite different (this is something each sub brand will demonstrate).
  12. I’ve got a feeling Sushi has a hand in this … there’s also a special Stay Brave sweat
  13. Duke Mantee


    I haven’t put on that much weight
  14. Duke Mantee


    Yeah - sorry - kinda quoting myself when I said earlier the last couple for the holidays, then I got a request I could sneak in January will be the next belts (if I’m asked) 👍
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