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scooby last won the day on December 16 2024

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  1. scooby


    I grabbed another pair of my favorite fitting jeans - won't wear them too hard though
  2. Getting ready to send this thing in for some real repairs Hole forming on the arm - not going to let that worsen Close to a dozen areas fraying on the right arm alone Waist beginning to separate
  3. 601XX 1947 Been wearing in some 37 and 43 as well - I've really been enjoying FW denim
  4. scooby


    I wore my pair a little bit more this year They're great jeans
  5. People said the whiskers on my Hermit jeans looked artificial... My hands get covered in crisp dust when I'm sitting at my gaming PC so I wipe them on my lap Seems the cheesy dust really speeds up the fades
  6. I caved and got it repaired. Only thing I hate more than knee repairs is having my bare kneecaps on the ground when I kneel down
  7. My least favorite thing that happens to all of my jeans I'm probably never going to repair knees again as they never turn out well
  8. scooby


    Thanks! This denim is great Pretty much - rarely am I in a setting where it isn't acceptable or comfortable so it stays on
  9. scooby


    1947 DSB since May Its gotten two hand washes in the tub, this third wash was the first in the washing machine on a warm, normal cycle Before wash After wash
  10. scooby


    @Alec Leamas I sized up but I could've gone with my normal size and probably would've been happier with the fit
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