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Posts posted by julian-wolf

  1. ^ Screen printing would be the right way to do it, but might be more difficult for some to set up & get to work well at home than a stencil w/ appropriate paint. I’d be all for giving either a go, but for what it’s worth it looks like I’ll soon have access to a laser cutter, at which point it should be easy enough to cut out a batch stencils on adhesive-back vinyl or similar; would be happy to mail some out to folks depending on how the timeline works out.

    edit: assuming we’re all talking about this is the context of the TCB contest…

  2. There were two LeRoys, but only one version was a repro—guessing these’ll be more like the others, if either

    Extra stoked either way

    edit: Any info on these yet besides what’s on the Self Edge Instagram page?

  3. Re-reviving an old thread to ask: Any experience with Muller & Bros. workshirts? How are they sized, and, just as importantly, how do they fit? Googling around, consensus seems to be that the materials and construction are up plenty satisfactory

  4. I'd probably pass on a contest tee, myself—already put in an order for the No Shampoo Club version (as much of a lie as that may be), so I'm all set in that department

    Never really seen the appeal in re-starching jeans, in general, but I've always been sorta tempted to try out the whole wood-glue-on-the-outseam trick just to see how it plays out…maybe this'll be the pair

  5. Happy to—was planning to do the same for the round-top glasses, so maybe I'll try to lump them together next time lighting and motivation coalesce

    In the meantime, some quick impressions: I've been wearing the watch every day for around a month, and so far it's been serving me well. When I've tested it it's seemed to hold a wind for a little under a full day, which seems to be shorter than some, but I like to wind it twice (before I put it on in the morning and after I take it off at night) either way, so this isn't a limiting factor to me at all. It's been consistently gaining around 12–15 seconds a day, which seems to be within the expected margin. My one complaint, so far, is that the hands continue to move when the crown is pulled out; because of this, precisely setting the seconds is only possible when the spring has run down fully, and is a bit of a dance.

    I mostly bought the watch watch for the design of the case, and that's where it's really continued to shine. First, 28 mm is a great size; it's never too loud (especially given the dark coloring) and it never feels like it's getting in the way. I was worried, based on some of the photos, that the case might end up being uncomfortably thick / deep, but I think that the apparent thickness was just an illusion resulting from its small diameter: in practice, it doesn't feel any thicker than other mechanical watches that I've worn, even with the NATO strap. The crystal is lensed beautifully near the edges; it reads flat from above but has great distortion once you hit around a 30° incidence, and for me that's the perfect cherry on top.

  6. I'm still planning to compete ("compete"?) in the Warehouse competition

    Ed's an asshole, but that's not news—honestly, I found it pretty hilarious how suddenly everyone turned against him for acting the same way he's been acting for 10+ years, just 'cause the right combination of high-profile forum members happened to call him out for it in the right span of time: the internet hive-mind at work

    Deciding not to partake in a competition because you don't want to support the guy running it is totally reasonable, and is exactly how we should seek to effect change in how business are run (and who they're run by). I'll come right out and say, though, that anyone who claimed initially to be interested in the competition and decided to rescind their interest on the basis of that one week's worth of Ed's posts did so as much to publicly tote their high-and-mightiness as to genuinely show protest—otherwise, the decade of posts preceding that week would have been enough to keep them from showing any interest in the first place

  7. ^^ If you have an optical drive handy that can connect to your computer, HandBrake's a good MacOS-friendly open source option for ripping from DVDs (either audio only or audio + video)—rip to whatever uncompressed lossless format is the default then XLD'll do the trick for any compressions & conversions you wanna do down the line

    On the topic, for those comfortable with (simple, bare-bones, straightforward) command-line utilities I'd strongly recommend youtube-dl for grabbing audio from YouTube videos

    I tried using Swinsian some years ago but it would freeze up whenever I tried to import large libraries…

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