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Posts posted by julian-wolf

  1. ^ & ^^: Do they still make those? I was just on their page the other day to order some T-shirts, and I saw zero chambray anything. Seems like they used to have all sorts of different options. Would be interested in picking one up if they're still around, since I'll be paying the shipping either way…

  2. Roy knows his stuff for sure, but I strongly disagree with him on this point. If I ever spill something nasty on my jeans, I want to be certain that tossing them in the machine on warm with plenty of detergent isn't going to drastically change how they fit, and the only way to know for certain is to have already shrunk them fully.

  3. I appreciate the buttons being offset from the tacks on the front pleats. One of my biggest gripes with the JWJ El Patron and with the LVC TPB is the lack of give at the points where buttons and tacks coincide. Looks like a great jacket!

  4. Resurrecting this thread in hopes that someone may have a lead on some NOS or lightly-used persimmon-dyed jeans. Sugar Cane's 1947 cut fits me well in sizes 32 through 34, and I'm happy with any fit similar to this. I've been scourging eBay and Yahoo Auctions for a while now hoping for something to pop up, but I've had no such luck, so I'm turning to you! Any ideas of where else I might search would be greatly appreciated.

  5. That's a wild collection, @Foxy2! Would you consider posting some side-by-side photos of your various SC40302s? I wasn't aware that these were made with two separate versions of the persimmon dye, and in particular I'd be really interested to see how the two versions differ.

  6. That denim looks great! The detailing is pretty neat too; it's a nice mix of different styles. That said, they don't look anywhere near high-rise…

    I'd seen Trophy on Denimio and never thought to look into them. Thanks for spurring my interest!

  7. I don't know any other model numbers off the top of my head, but I know they've done various special editions in the past that have been similar to their main cuts (S510 and S710) with only slight adjustments. The Samurai thread would be more helpful, I'm sure.

    Another option would be Iron Heart's 1955 cut, which is a little slimmer all around, but has a similar rise and a nice straight leg.

  8. How's sizing on Tender socks? If I wear a size 11 Brannock, are they likely to work well?

    Other sock-related questions: Around how thick are they—are they more in the sneaker range, or the workboot range? and: Around how well the mohair socks tend to hold up, longevity-wise, as compared to standard merino?

  9. Yeah, the shrink-to-fit worked out very well. Overall, shrinkage was pretty minimal—I was too excited to take pre-soak measurements, but it feels like it tightened up maybe 2–3" in length and 1.5–2" in the shoulders—but it took place in all the right areas. The shoulders are just barely snug, but the pleats still allow for a very good range of motion, even with a thicker sweater underneath.

  10. Reposting from the Unknown Japanese Brands thread, where this does not belong…second try's a charm

    Wrote up a quick review of the JWJ El Patron on r/rawdenim just now. Not gonna paste all the text, but here's a photodump!

    Pre-soak fit pics, feat. Bronson heavyweight tee, IH-634-DD, Red Wing 1907:






    Pre-soak detail shots:









    Post-soak fit pics, feat. Gustin tee, Sugar Cane Hawaiis, Olukai slippers








    Finally, the one significant construction error I've been able to find:



    Overall, this is a really great jacket and I'd highly recommend it to anyone who's comfortable with a looser / boxier fit. Happy to answer any questions or post more photos and / or measurements upon request.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Niro said:

    JWJ is a Spanish brand rather than a Japanese brand though right?

    Yes, they're based out of Mallorca and their production is mostly done in Barcelona.


    …shoot, I posted this to the wrong thread.

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