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Posts posted by Cucoo

  1. 6 hours ago, tchengaa said:

    Hi there, I'd like to ask if it is OK to wash two pairs of raw denim together in a washing machine. Thanks !

    It sure is.

    Once I was feeling adventurous and even added a raw denim shirt without any ill effects.

    But seriously, it's ok, I even throw pairs that don't bleed much anymore in with all my other dark laundry. Raw denim doesn't need to be babied like a silk blouse or something.

  2. 4 hours ago, Broark said:

    @d-rew12shoot me a PM if you have any questions about Austin, lived here for about 7 years now. We could have a Boncoura meet-up. :D

    Yeah, I regret not having had the time to hit you up! Only thing we had time for in Austin was watching the bats and getting In'n'Out - I blame the outlets in San Marcos for costing us pretty much a whole day :D

  3. I'm a 30 in my SDAs. I guess I just want to make sure that they don't stretch so much that the chinch can't handle it - since I plan to wear them mostly as my at-home jeans, where wearing a belt would add a bit of discomfort.

    I'll go with size 30 and just wash if/whenever they stretch too much ;) Thanks!

  4. Shameless interest check before eBay ;) I can't make the mechanic sweat work, S is just too small for me. Please PM if interested. It's practically new, just been tried on a few times.



  5. Well, I measured the tracing and compared it to a few shoe width charts and it came out to an E - I think it's some kind of misunderstanding. I only emailed the tracings in form of a scanned JPEG, maybe it printed out wrong. I won't make any rash orders on this information, as per Kyle's request I'll have my wife do two new tracings, one standing up and one sitting, and snail-mail them to Baker's.

    Or maybe I'll even make the long and arduous journey of 1 hour on the Autobahn to try on some actual pairs at Statement Munich, who knows! :D 

    And getting a true Brannock measurement is a great idea!

    In other news I just pulled the trigger on the Mister Freedom Trooper Boots. Trying to not get my hopes up, but every sizing advice on those said "half size down" so the 9,5 that was still in stock might just work for me. A buddy from Texas is proxying them for me so it'll take a while until I have them though.

  6. I'm thinking about getting a pair of White's semi dress and have emailed Kyle at Baker's with my sizing questions... but I'm not sure if he understood me correctly. In a nutshell my problem with most boots is that we only get sold D width here in Germany, so I'm sizing up to get more width - just yesterday I had to return a pair of Chippewa service boots in size 10 D because they hurt my feet. Length-wise I'm only a size 9, but I clearly need an E or EE since even a full size up in D might not be wide enough. So I sent the tracings and measurements and Kyle recommended a 9 C (!!). Is the semi dress last really that wide?

  7. Nice write up. I like your conclusion, too - personally, I cannot see myself ever paying a premium for Japanese socks, since I get sweaty feet easily in anything but merino wool blended socks. So the one thing I can't stand is 100% cotton socks, no matter how well they're made ;) 

    The patterns and colors are nice, but if you want actually functional but well-made socks there's smaller Western brands like the German Falke that are affordable and made a lot better than whatever cheap 10-pack you can get at Walmart and the likes. 

    All IMO of course.

  8. I agree that it's not okay to "abuse" Indian crafts in this way, I just guess it's hard to impossible to enforce this on a world wide basis...


    Edit: thinking about it, if it's possible for Parmesan or Champagne and similar products to be protected the way they are it should be possible with Native crafts, probably an issue of the lobbying involved? 

  9. Received the skipper jacket in navy today. This is a size 38 and it's very trim fitting, I got it thinking I could replace my  AI M65 for use in rainy spring and fall weather but I need to see if I can fit more than a thin shirt under it. It's an awesome jacket either way, great details everywhere you look and the 100% cotton popeline certainly feels and handles a lot nicer than the cotty/nylon mix of my AI M65. It has raglan sleeves so it's very comfortable to wear and the fabric is so light and soft to the touch it makes you doubt any windbreaker properties. Summer is getting in full swing here so it'll be a few months until I can tell if I'm really happy with it.

    I'm not sure if I actually will go forward with the shrinking routine MF advises on this jacket, according to the measurements shrinkage is minimal in a cold wash and this isn't a fabric you'd be concerned about any fades with...




  10. I'll join in, not really for the contest but because no arcs is what has been keeping me from getting a pair of TCB - I'm vain like that ;) I also don't have a wider "regular" pair right now, and I need a new comfy one.

    I'll go with W30, no suspender buttons please, 82cm inseam when fully shrunk (this should give enough length to do a big double cuff, a look I like best with wider jeans).

  11. After my last post from our US road trip we only had really crap wifi at the next few motels and also travelling intensified a bit as we had to keep to a rough schedule so I didn't feel like posting much. My Flatheads and Warehouse did a lot of fun stuff though through Arizona, New Mexico and back to Texas again, highlights included:

    Grand Canyon


    The red rocks around Sedona:


    My daughter literally running into Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp in Tombstone:


    White sands in New Mexico:


    Getting up close and personal with Longhorns in the Texas hill country


    The San Antonio missions:


    And a good bit of shopping along the way :D Got good deals on three pairs of 70s Chucks, two RL Denim & Supply shirts, and a few bargains on Levi's, Wrangler and J Crew linnen and madras shirts.



    Besides the obvious (like Trump, "You need god" billboards, the NRA etc.) I just love the USA. We're already planning our next trip, and since we had In'n'Out in Austin we've already pretty much decided on the west coast, because we need to have those burgers again ASAP :D


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