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Posts posted by Cucoo

  1. 5 hours ago, JDelage said:

    What do you all have against Portugal? Is the quality not there?

    I've been wondering the same thing. Portugal is EU and right next to Spain, shouldn't it be at least a step up from, like, LVC made in Turkey or something? I have done zero research but I don't see why Portugal should be seen as a red flag, especially since own several made in Spain boots that are top quality. 

  2. The "b&m needs to educate consumers on our unique and honorable company tradition" argument is really pretentious. To me, b&m needs to be able to tell me what size I need to get and if and how fit will change once you wash a piece. Sure, they also should be denim nerds you can geek out about something with, but I think in "our" field that goes without saying. Shopping at R&H is great not because they told me stuff you can read online, but because I could talk about what fit I want from a jacket and what size to get to achieve that. Even when buying from the webshop they'll shoot you a short email to confirm size. Same for SE, Kiya is always spot on in sizing advice even only over email.

    33 minutes ago, ColonelAngus said:

    I agree. US denim companies make stuff that fits me, for the most part, whereas, IH is the only Japanese maker that seems to make clothing that fits Westerners. In my very limited experience, i'd pour over fit charts from various Japanese denim companies and the fits are weird, which is why i've hesitated buying from more Japanese brands. I actually don't have many Japanese brands represented in my closet -- I have a pair of TSG's that I never wear, an SDA flannel, 2 PBJ type II's and 2 IH tops. Everything else is US made. To me fit reigns supreme and I don't care how cool the fabric is for any given piece of clothing....if it doesn't fit me then i'm wasting my money.

    (Not trying to counter your argument in any way) Personally, I'm a westerner but I don't really have a problem with Japanese sizing at all... sure, my Samurai shirts may be sizes L and XL and fit like an M, and SDA t-shirts may say M and fit like a S. Just saying that there is a market for Japanese sizes in the Western world, but of course, experiences differ ;)  It's just one (the only?) area where being not really tall works out as an advantage :D

  3. 5 minutes ago, Mr.Su said:

    i dont mind the length & for the sleeves you can just roll them up! 

    Sure, sleeves aren't a dealbreaker, I had to do the same with my Lee 101 jacket. But since I got jackets with sleeves with just the right length I appreciate that, too.

  4. 2 hours ago, propellerbeanie said:

    Not sure if Inoue-san needs a new measuring tape lol (no disrespect)

    To a observer like me it sure does seem that way, this thread seems to show the most sizing issues of all brand threads... 

  5. 2 hours ago, mlwdp said:

    I forgot the name of the member here but there was a guy who use to post in this thread that wore slim jeans with Smokejumpers.  He didn't look too bad.

    I wear slim jeans with boots all the time, too - I meant thoroughly painted-on skinny jeans ;)

  6. I don't think how tall you are really matters. What you feel comfortable in or what you think looks good on you is probably mostly based on what you're used to. If you grew up wearing tapered pants, anything cut "fuller" or maybe even only straight will take time getting used to, and vice versa. I spent my teenage years mostly in bootcut jeans, even before I dived into raw denim it took me some time to start appreciating a straight or slim-straight silhouette with smaller leg openings. Regarding wider cuts, I tried some and personally I just don't like the look (on me!). 

      @Collin - fit looks good and honestly, letting the cuff down for a small break over your shoes would not make it look "too big". But, again, it's about what you personally feel looks best. To play with proportions you certainly don't have to fit a certain body type. Just look at Japanese high fashion, 20s cut has got nothing on how big and flowy trousers can get and it's thin and tiny dudes rocking those outfits.


  7. False alarm :blush: I think the length is ok. I'd prefer the tails to be a bit shorter, but I can definitely live with how it looks.

    This is one hell of a shirt, but besides the high armholes (only really a problem when getting it on, having to stuff t-shirt arms down) it is really pretty comfortable considering the stiffness. It looks a lot slimmer than it feels, I actually have room for further belly growth in here :D

    2017-04-13 08.28.09.jpg

    2017-04-13 08.27.26.jpg

  8. I received the Anniv. CPO today. It's drying right now after a lukewarm soak and spin dry. Fit is good in shoulders and chest, but what is up with the length? I measure 74cm (29,1") which a bit longer than every official measurement I came across. 1-2cm more length doesn't sound like much but to me it can make the difference in liking how a shirt fits. Didn't really plan on tucking this monster of a shirt, I'll have to see how it looks once it's dry.

  9. Yeah, CA just needs to import some "real" cobblestones to complete the look :D

    @dudewuttheheck - I'm planning to visit one or two ghost towns during my next US vacation! Should be fun. There's also a "pioneer" museum in Phoenix that's like a fake town but built from real houses that have been moved there - the best of both worlds :D

  10. 5 hours ago, dudewuttheheck said:
    Globe Specs
    Real McCoy's A2

    Is that some kind of "German fairy tale playground"? Because apart from the brick road this could be a shot taken in any random small town in upper bavaria ;)

  11. Those are hideous. The way there's a hundred miles of fabric above the yoke below the waistband looks really shitty. They look like every Kickstarter "brand" does, made by someone who has no idea how to really pattern a pair of jeans. Just look at the whole top block, it just looks amateurish.

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