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Double 0 Soul

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Everything posted by Double 0 Soul

  1. There’s a fkin Ferrari parked at the end of our street.. it’s obscuring out view of the wheelie bins! Notice how it’s parked on double yellows lines? .. there’s a perfectly legit parking space in front of it
  2. They stamped it in the 506XX repro too for good measure The original version had unusual button backs, they did their best to repro these too Test sample from Junky
  3. Right i'm back.. Yes.. the pair of 46s supplied by Ryoichi Kobayashi did indeed have the S prefix
  4. You need to tie it down with some genuiiine MiJ, Native American® wallet jewelry! Failing that.. if you can train your arse cheeks to shuffle a deck of cards, you'll be straight through to boot camp on the next series of America's Got Tallent..
  5. “He were dressed head to toe in denim.. I think he was going to a B*Witched concert”
  6. Dennis Nilsen?.. meh, that’s nowt to brag about.. I bet he can’t wait to tell the ageing New Romantics at his school reunion that’s he’s cut maynard friedman’s hair
  7. It was just 501XX stamped in ‘green’ ink on the examples for the Devi’s Denim Project (which incidentally is also a good resource for all things 46) i’m out and about.. but anything is possible, check the Junky blog for an explanation and I’ll check the photos from the Clutch exhibition when I get home but the S1946 could just refer to Sugarcane 1946
  8. Morning @tooth there was another pair of SC46s made for Junky which predate the comedy MiA version.. Mr. Ryoichi Kobayashi supplied the vintage 1946 pair which was used as a benchmark for the details.. I’m a bit out of the loop nowadays but I posted about them on pg 66 of the DB thread if you want a comparison https://www.denimbro.com/sugar-cane_topic92_page66.html?KW=Junky I don’t even know if these recent offerings from SC are modelled from the same pair.. they was on display at Clutch, I might have the photos on my macbook.. I’ll have a look.
  9. Just looks like typical youtube click-bait bollocks to me.. Is it just a man riding a bike in the rain or does he actually get diagnosed with a mental illness?
  10. They are beautiful.. although I’d never give you a job after seeing them
  11. Also.. my compliments to the knife makers fingers, that’s some deep patina.. In sharp contrast to @Maynard Friedman highly polished fingernails which have never seen a days work in their life
  12. 'Expert' is a bit of a stretch.. it does look nice, i have a soft spot for those type of knives.. we all had one back in those halcyon days of the 1980s when every kid was armed to the teeth with weapons but nobody ever got stabbed... Relatives would leave the forces with their army/navy issue knifes and they'd stick it in their tool box in the garage only to be found blunt and rusty years later by their kids/grandkids/nephews.. you'd say "dad can i have this knife" of course you can son.. "do you want to offer me any advice on how i can use it safely" of course not.. it's the 1980s! A friend from Dorset sent me this photo a few years ago asking me what i knew of the makers marks and i went down yet another internet-wormhole.. the one on the right is WW2 issue, the one on the left was issued to him when he joined the navy in 1973, he said they were nicknamed the 'Pussers Dirk' Taylor's was made at .Eyewhitness Works (hence the eyeball). the derelict building was repurposed for a Phlegm ehxibition i went to a few years ago.. Sadly it's now being converted into yet more souless appartments we don't need. The Rogers is Joseph Rogers which i think are still made by either Eggington or J Adams (where i bought my scissors) just copies made under license but they still make/sell knifes in Sheffield which is something... alas, they're under increasing pressure to sell/move by Sheffield council to make way for (you guessed it) more flats.. student accom in this instance.
  13. Yep, looks like a winner!
  14. The boy has just whooped me 6-4 6-4 at tennis .. what sucks is i'm actually a much better player (honestly i am) but being 14 he'll run down every single damn ball whereas if the ball is at one side of the court and he hits the ball to the opposite side.. i don't bother running for it if i know i won't get there in time to return it.. so the odds swing into his favour... this isn't going to get any better for me is it?
  15. @unders what do those Hyper7 switches do? Some of them are £30 and some of them are £160 for.. what to my untrained eye, looks like the same piece of plastic, just a different colour?
  16. Thanks for the explanation.. i totally get the lure of a mechanical keyboard but i'm perplexed by folks who enjoy different denim weights??
  17. Wow! that's bonkers @unders look at the price of the mo-fos! .. a few weeks ago, i needed a small piece of English walnut, i didn't want to buy a board just for a small amount so i searched ebay for off-cuts and found chunky wooden replacement keyboard keys, i thought it quite novel to replace your keys with tactile wood but i never knew it stretched this far.. uber-nerd biz! Yep good luck to the hikers.. can you believe i almost had to force them to take head torches.. "na, we're cool, we can use the torch on our phones if we're back late" ..ffs! it's a precaution, just take them and put them in your pocket.. i bet my bottom dollar, they're wearing them when they get back! My kid plays 5 a'side twice a week with the academy kids @MJF9 .. it costs them £50 to hire an indoor astro pitch for 90mins so he and 4 of his mates v's 5 acadamy kids so they all chip in £5ea to play.. i'm not saying they always win.. it's usually 50/50 but let me put it this way.. you've got nothing to worry about regarding the future crop of tallent from SU acadamy He txt me earlier in the week asking to be picked up there.. (it's not too far from where that tooled up 11yr old killed his foster mum by running her over in her own car which he'd stolen) .. i said, i will but i'm at work and i'm on the bike so you'll have to wait.. plus i'm not driving up there till after the rush hour traffic dies down, i probably wont get there till 7pm so you'd be better off getting the bus.. turns out, one of his mates had gone to swimming practice, two lived on the other side of the city so had caught a different bus which left two of them and there was a gang of kids hanging around their bus stop wearing balaclava's I still need a bit of English walnut btw .. i appreciate this is a long shot?
  18. My 14yr old and 2 of his friends are going for a hike in the Peaks today with the intention of "we're just going to keep walking until we get to a point we've never been to before" .. no OS maps, no compass just tech.. I'm dropping them off at the end of civilisation when they get up. ... "Dad, it's getting dark? can you pick us up, i think we're lost" Ok what can you see? "We see rocks, grass.. and some heather"
  19. Wait.. what?.. you’re replacing the keys on a modern keyboard with something akin to an Acorn Electron keyboard we had in junior school? .. Just to get a reassuring clackerty-clack sound when you type? Sorry, I haven’t got the time to fall into a wormhole today but this will bug the shit out of me if I don’t get clarity on the subject ??
  20. The 90s have had a good run.. i posted this over on DB in 2017
  21. I quite liked that^^^ 'marketing mumbo jumbo' just for the comedy aspect.. y'know, from the perspective of someone who's wise enough to know better.. (ie not the person they're marketing to) I like to think they were laughing their asses off while writing it and not taking it, at all seriously
  22. Timbs?! .. Woohoo! the 90s are almost entirely rinsed, thank fuck for that! .. it'll be the 2000s next I can't wait for 2008 when we'll all be briefly fashionable again.. sadly, this time around we'll look like pathetic midlife-crisis fuckers trying to be down with the passive aggressive 00's kids Oh well, it beats our current status of enjoying a very high opinion of our dress sense while being deeply unfashionable
  23. Jesus christ.. put it away.. it's like a porthole through time and space! I think you're onto something tho.. shirt placket is at 90° to the waistband whereas the fly is at least 7.2° off vertical Don't make me get my protractor out!
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