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Posts posted by sushijerk

  1. I still feel like Microsoft could have gotten away with a good deal less than $31 a share. Yahoo growth is completely stagnant and Google is eating their lunch. Stock price was going nowhere, and at this point absolutely nobody else would want to or has the cash to put in a bid. Well, google could but they already control like 70% of the search market so anti-trust laws would prevent the merger.

    I heard something over the box about Morgan and some other firm advising the two parties on the buyout.

  2. ^^Let me know how it is. AHWOSG was a cool read, but a book that I never felt compelled to get through, I just picked it up here and there and just read when I so happened to do so. I was introduced to Voxtrot when reading that book, and ever since then the mental pairing remains :confused:.

    I actually found AHWOSG riveting but did not enjoy his 2nd novel nearly as much. The tone is very Dave Eggers, but I just found Velocity kind of jumbled and insincere. Although what I read was the first edition and from what I understand he editted it very heavily for the paperback release.

    What is the What was very enjoyable.

  3. oh and i think the more purple the outcome is, the more fucked your body is.

    Nah this is just a matter of your circulation. The same way some ppl bruise easily or get colder in their extremities. Just something that differs from person to person with no real indication of you general well being.

    $150 for cupping is $$$$$. I don't know what the going rate is in america but this stuff is pretty cheap in China.

  4. Just saw The Orphanage. I honestly did not think horror movie plots could get any more cliched with the haunted house/evil children mishmash but this was actually very well put together and enjoyable. There was actually very little blood and onscreen deaths (with one pretty graphic exception), which is what I think the american horror market needs to be reminded of.

    They ran the new Hellboy trailer from Del Toro. Man that thing looks like a piece of crap. I guess Pan's Laborynth was a hit so now the villian is an underground fairy kingdom instead of the occult/pulp science/folklore that I loved from Mignola. :(

    I was rolling my eyes at the In Bruges preview. Looks and sounds like they wanted to rip off a Guy Richie movie, except instead of Jason Stanthon and his usual Irish crew fucking people up you have Colin Ferrel whining like a little bitch.

  5. What do you guys do in your jeans? A lot of skateboarding/bike riding? I sized down 3 (31>>>28) and so far nothing is coming loose. Worn pretty much daily since end of October.

    It should be noted however that I've never had a crotch blowout on any pair of jeans ever so I probably aren't as tough on them as most of you.

    Chattypuma holy shit your button fly looks ready to explode and put someone's eye out. It looks like you have a button fade on your crotch because it's so strained against the denim. Evidence of next lvl sufu fit?

  6. I thought the movie jumped the shark the second that woman showed up with the kid. It went from an interesting character study of Neville plus cool view of an abandoned NYC to "oh shit we only got 40 min left to get cliched bittersweet ending."

  7. I dunno, I'm kind of divided on Frank Miller's Batman. Although Year One was fantastic, his "All-Star" series portrayed the superhero as an abusive, sadistic, and murderous sociopath. In the Dark Knight Returns, the mature Bruce Wayne seemed more like a dementia patient than a notorious vigilante. I wonder how twisted Batman's gonna be in Frank's next work, Holy Terror Batman.

    I don't know why Frank Miller even writes Batman anymore as he clearly hates the character by now and really doesn't give a shit what the reader thinks. Reading Frank Miller the last couple of years has been like watching De Niro pick movie roles.

    All Star Superman is fucking fantastic though, as is Grant Morrisons run on Batman.

    Matt Fraction and Brubaker's Iron Fist is is so consistently good. You guys should be checking out Casanova if you haven't. Also written by Fraction.

  8. Man a lot of asians squat because they're laborers and they have no chairs to sit on out in the countryside where the ground isn't clean. Then it became a habit.

    Most city girls won't be caught squating nowadays. But if you goto the outdoor markets where all the salesgirls are from poor regions/farms.....everyone is squating when they're on break. The best is during lunch time when everyone is eating bentos while in the taking a dump position.

    I used to be able to squat all day when I was a kid but then I moved to America and now I can only manage like 3 minutes.

  9. What kind of stuff are you looking to buy? If you want something that is inherently and exclusively "chinese" then chances are pretty high that it will suck in terms of quality and design will either be gaudy or a western ripoff.

    Shanghai and Beijing don't really have any brands that can compete on an international level so if you're looking for Japanese level clothing you're probably better off buying in Hong Kong.

  10. I need some info. Hoping someone here who is part of or is familiar with Chinese culture can help. I need some general information on what takes place during Chinese family gatherings (in China) and how it might compare or contrast to American culture.

    Is there anything similar to BBQ'ing in China?

    Are any cusines ever cooked outside?

    What are activities that people in China take part in before or after family dinners, generally speaking?

    Do chinese men drink and watch sports in the same manner American men do?

    Is there anything that an Americans normally do during their family settings that would be violate Chinese norms?

    Any other interesting insights regarding Chinese family gatherings are also greatly appreciated.

    BBQ (I'm assuming you mean grilling and not "competition bbq" which is closer to smoking/roasting) does not really exist in China. Cooking large pieces of meat directly over coals/open flame is just not a part of any major chinese schools of cooking. However grilling is very common in certain nomadic, minority Chinese tribes that live in the northern areas near Mongolia/Nepal/Tibet. These people came to Chinese cities and set up roadside grills and sold skewers of goat meat and various organ meats(shishkabob style) that became very popular. Everything is flavored with chili, cumin, and coriander powers rather than any tomatoe/vinegar based sauces like in America. Also chicken and beef is almost never grilled.

    Cooking outside is traditionally not done. BBQ is getting more popular due to western influence, but the idea of everybody gathering outside while a meal is prepared on an outside grill is almostly an entirely foreign concept in Chinese cooking. Even though common skewers I mentioned above is considered street vendor food at best and nobody does it at home.

    Most Chinese families just watch TV before and after dinner.

    Chinese men love to drink beer and watch sports, especially soccer. However most people don't have big living rooms or big TVs so the gathering is typically done in bars. During World Cup bars will actually run nearly 24 hours because everybody gathers to watch the games broadcast live from Europe.

    I can't think of anything that makes Chinese and American dinners distinctly different from each other from a social standpoint. The only point of note is that many Chinese kids do not move out of the house even after college/jobs so it is common for the son or daughters to eat dinner with thier parents and grandparents every night even when they are 20-30 years old.

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