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Posts posted by sushijerk

  1. Nah. There's no way a korean girl's parents would accept a mutt like me. Besides I still haven't gotten a response from her. So I guess imma just wait it out....

    Is this really the norm, or just the case for high-class korean families who were rich enough to get educated/live abroad? I mean, you seem like an okay catch since you've got decent education and balla finance pay for your age. (no homo)

    How would you rank compared to a straight up white guy? I assume you are mixed white/japanese, and not some kind of mix involving indian/pinoy/viet, in which case I wouldn't want you marrying into the family either unless you had hedge fund level money.

  2. go to comiccon(or any other geek convention) and make sure you are flyest motherfucker there(spend hours on cosplay, really ill japanese style haircut, etc) OMG will you get some pussy. WOW. oh and you MUST be really good at ddr. take the bitch to karaoke. buy her some cheapass sushi(katsu too, she wont fucking care). show her your crazy manga collection, ITS OVER WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.

    Also works for various anime cons.

    Disclaimer: White chick may be overweight/anorexic skinny or crazy or both. Might also attempt to show you all her yaoi doujin. Might also e-stalk you long after con is done.

  3. i've been trying to get reservations for a few weeks now. this morning's times review won't make it easier...

    Bruni blew up the spot 2 months too late. Although 3 stars really surprised me considering the ambiance of the place.

  4. None of his new places serve ramen though. I think most ppl were aware that his original hyped ramen joint had extremely inauthentic and not particularly tasty ramen, although it was like half the price of a bowl at ippudo.

  5. cheertryouts3.jpg

    Why are the cheerleaders at your school are all squaty legged 5 foot nothing asian chicks....and one snorlax looking white fatty? I'm on the east coast and all I hear about is how hot girls on the west coast are....and this is throwing everything into doubt unless cheersquad is the social equivalent of marching band at your school.

    Confession: I went to work with pink eye and I'm hoping it doesn't spread...or if it does spread it doesn't get traced back to me.

  6. One of my friends just broke the news he's dating an older woman from another state that he met on the internet. He's 25 and I'm not sure how much older she is but she has 2 kids... I need to get him out of this shit pronto. This kid has no experience. He's had like 3 internet relationships during college and was ready move crosscountry for chicks he's never kissed or met. I don't think he has ever real-life dated a girl and I've even found a mail order dating how-to guide stashed in his car. This current situation smacks of desperation that can only end in total shitstorm.

  7. Are threesomes with another guy cool?

    This needs a polll

    I'm pretty sure this is considered the bad kind of threesome. Two chicks and one guy is like wearing multiple rolexes, two dudes and one chick is like carpooling. Only one of those is balla.

  8. Hate myself for always stepping on/breaking my own glasses so I gotta get new pairs. I need that ultrathin polarized lens shit too so shit be costing me $$$ that I could be spendin on clothes. I should just switch to ghetto-ass $25 online rx glasses instead of paying 300-400 each time.

    Also hate myself for how unballa this confession is. I should just be like Kiya and get new glasses every couple of weeks for the hell of it.

  9. Damn beef sounds like a heavyset black dude. If he walked up behind me and did the voice I'd shit my pants.

    On semirelated note I saw Tay Zonday the same weekend I met beef when he was in NY. Dude was wearing a hawaiin floral shirt with a suit jacket, and he got into a limo with two white high school kids. Weird.

  10. Much of a meat's flavour do come from its fat, no?

    Fat brings richness and tenderness, but meat flavour actually comes from blood. This is why few steak lovers order filet mignon because even tho its' a tender muscle, there's little bloodflow and lacks "beef" flavor.

    I dunno what grain-fed brings to the table. I think it's just one of those food terms that gets thrown around and actually means very little, like organic and free-range.

  11. My friend is convinced that buying a bunch of Bear stock now is a quick way to get rich later.

    Well if he did buy a bunch of Bear or Lehman stock that particular day he would be sitting on a 100% gain or more right now.

    They called Cramer out on msnbc later that day and he insisted that he was referring to money held by the Bear Sterns bank, which is backed by the Fed, and not the Bear Sterns stock. Sounds like some shady backpedaling to me.

  12. Size smalls were in short supply by 4:30 when I got down there. I asked a SA if they had any more S club collars in blue/red and he said what was on display was the last of the stock.

  13. Some Wall St. people are unbelievable. A lot of them honestly buy into their own hype just because they work "on Wall St" and wear a suit everday. For the most part these guys are working 12+ hrs a day, barely pushing 100k which is bottom rung in NY finance, and sharing an apartment. Stomp them all you want, they're a dime a dozen.

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